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    Don't you know I got a Vekian suite?


    Your dac has the following digital inputs: USB, RCA and AES/EBU.
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    so what is that digital out put?
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    English Teacher, I echo your impression on the old fashioned Cantonese songs...really bring me back to my school age!! I miss that magic in my Vekian combo.

    Voy...I thought you are using Zanden, beg your this case, are you getting ND as your second CD source?
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    Yes, the Neodio CDT/DAC will serve the Cessaro Chopin in my study room. The V suite stays with the big system.
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    昨晚CD Player大决戰十分之精彩. 主人家的柏林之聲001CD機和現在當紅的PlayBack Design CD/SACD player和大家都完全係乜東東的NeoDio NR22一較高下. 主人是會在當場買其中一部, 是認真的選購;而我是抱著愛參與揪機而來.

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    長話短說, 既然主人家都打算把拍林之聲賣掉, 所以也沒有什麼值得講; 他說長聽之後, 耳仔有壓力, 而他聽的音量也不是大的.

    快快setup, 然後首先聽Playback!
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    Playback呢部機一開聲明顯比栢林之聲平行好多, 高音悠揚, 場面廣濶, 中低有力. 我友落足心機把不同類音樂. 由廣東流行曲而至交響樂, 女高音, 小提琴和低音大提琴等樣樣試齊. 果然表現十分平均, 難怪連膠袋佬也選用Playback.
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    I listened to Playback design briefly on Sunday...Fire4, as you said, a very balanced CD player with fairly high score on resolution and is more balanced than CD12 and frankly should have few rivals in the one-box player category. At one point, I was also tempted to get one!

    So what happened when Neodio was connected? I told PT I have not listened to one box NeoDio and cannot decide if one-box player can rival Playback
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    我友聽完Playback後也面帶微笑. 他心一定在想法國佬NeoDio應該不易揪抵Playback, 而且它更是全新末開箱.

    首先第一曲在NeoDio播放的曲目是王菲的舊碟, 第一個感覺是密度非常高, 中音上落和光暗對明比Playback清楚和自然. 我友不發一言, 再試小提琴/鋼琴, 我忍不了開口說從未想過播小提琴可以靚至此境界. 再試節奏感明快和低音樂器較多的錄音, 速度好快但不是一條直線, 是充滿著微動態; 低音更是令大家有點意外; Playback是有力; 但Neodio是有彈跳力,有un力而且低音訊息量明顯拋離對手

    最後再播女高音, 我友聽完此曲後, 亦已作了最後決定 - NeoDio上架較水平.
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    Marvel哥,你可不可以寫下中文? 我雖是Vekian大機用家配FM前後, 也有點心思思. 因為法國佬呢部機播到應有的氣氛, 播張國榮, 譚校長那個年代的作品, 能帶出當時聽黑膠和cassette的味道. 但我覺得它並不是扮出來, 因為當播DGG的新素碼錄音時, 那一種高頻更為乾诤和光輝十分透明地顯現出來. 而且節奏感強勁的音樂, 速度極之敏捷. 低音是十分特別, 末聽過在CD有這種表現, 包括我現用的Vekian.
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    Fire4...pardon me that I don't have Chinese writing capability in my PCs. I will try using my wife's one next time....

    I was also touched by the last 5 minutes listening to ND playing the old Cantonese song...somehow the magic is there and listening to Vekian for the past few days does not render me such feeling...I am really poisoned...not having a study room to house another CD source and Chopin speaker like Voy, I still decided to go for another CD source cutting my other budget in 2011 and 2012 !!

    Leveling for the CD is very important for this player to yield an even more treble softness and extension.

    With more burning in of this newly open player, I am sure your friend will be pleasantly surprised !!

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    When will your DAC arrive? I am getting curious to learn what are the difference between the one box player and the separate combo.
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    English Teacher, I am not sure about mine, surely Mr. DV will stand a higher chance to get it before me as I only made up my mind this morning...PT told me the player has a very high 'price performance' ratio while the split model is a 'giant killer'....I bet he has not had a direct comparison between the two....but from the description of Mr. Fire 4, I dare not to undermine the performance of the one-box...
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    Found a link for sharing :
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    It is kind of hard to believe NeoDio can steal some attention from Vekian owners. I haven't arranged an formal audition yet but the idea of using an analog based clock with reference to the DA chips is intriguing. The whole world praises so much on the accuracy of quartz or any clock made of materials from other space, there comes a French using an analog clock!

    I admire creative mind. My initial speculation is complete vanish of digital noises and hence the digital sound. As all DA chips are synched to work with the clock in real time, the absence of digital noise from an analog clock much produce very smooth top end and generally richer finality from top to bottom. But how much loss in what areas is due to the lesser accuracy of an analog clock? Hard to say but my guess is likely to be in the spatial domain.

    But if Da Vinci endorses it, logically followed by Mr.DV and even Marvel who seems to posit himself in the Tidal camp, plus some other new happier owners, it should worthy some time for a quality auditons.
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