Mr. DV,
Heard that you are the first one to hear this, anything to share? Being a Vekian DAC user, I feel challenged when my dear friend in Taiwan told me just now this new breed can achieve full score on both tonality and speed/transient. Please share more...
I would not spend the time to tell you all the scores by attributes if my "gang" over here was not "floored" by it. It eclipses the Zanden 2000p/5000s by a wide margin, as musicality seems to be newly discovered from the same records over and over. The tonality resolution is not achieved by smoothness of the tube due to 2nd order harmonic resolution; hard to describe but I have to say this is very unique from a digital source.
For symphonic scores, large theatrical opera and piano, the Vekian digital suite remains lonely at the pinnacle.
Vekian as a combo can do almost everything at a very high score, if I can use 100 as full marks, I think it scores an average of 95 (up to all the CD source that I have heard) with soundstaging, dynamic range, transient, speed, attack and transparency almost scoring full marks. It scores less high comparatively speaking on the midrange mellowness, 'elasticity', organic and naturalness although they are all above 90marks and few CD source can come close.
NeoDio, on the other hand, on average, scores not as high as Vekian but in terms of the tonality richness, bass resolution especially on the 'rebounce' and 'elasticity' aspect, it really scores above Vekian. In the 1.5hrs listening in PT's system using Neodio, to be perfectly honest, I keep my unreserved support of Vekian for the first 85 min until PT played casually a Cantonese song recorded at around 197x, the voice of the female singer was so touching to me that I have never experienced in Vekian. It is not because of the superb recording of the CD, in fact , it is not the usual reference CD of PT. It was the voice that really brings me back to my old days, the kind of old fashioned Hongkong style recording seemingly put me back through the time tunnel to the 197x.....the tonality and vividness are simply as rich as listening to a DaVinci vinyl...
Also, there is a digital out, what is that?
The magic of the NR22 stems from its ability to reveal the tonality resolution of different recording. I and my wife enjoyed so much about those canton pop recording in 70s/80s thru the NR22 because it really brought back the mood of the past. But the most interesting observation is it equally do well on modern recordings where frequency extensions are priorities. On such records, the Neodio is lightning fast when the tempo calls for it. Should I want to travel back in time playing Miles Davis with a glass of red wine, it send me back right there.
I agree everything that was reviewed by Hi Fi plus.