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Premier of Horning Statement - ALGAME ZIGMA



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    too bad that I can't join Marvel and other fellow to get a first hand experience of the Algame. Can anyone share their listening impression?
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    今天終於可坐下寫聽後感覺,用什麼形容呢,第一,Speaker真的很大對,進了Charles屋裡我自己從未見過這麼大對Speaker。第二,Speaker一開聲,只可讚賞及羨慕來形容, 我叫Charles 開始播貝9的第5track,估不到這麼大的Speaker 可在一至二天,聲音可這麼快離箱,合唱團所唱出的快樂頌那種震驚及公正,那種空氣感,真令我讚賞不已,沒有什麼言語可形容,我見識小,有機會 ALL 真的....真的 ...... 要去Charles家裡聽一聽
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    I went to visit Charles yesterday afternoon with a friend. Met DSo who said he was there already for more than an hour. Seems that DSo has indeed a much stronger passion and curiosity to listen to Algame in Charles' system.

    In chatting with DSo who is also the owner of the Cessaro Affacinate SE and Wavac 833, I totally agree with him that the assessment on 833 could not be accurate (and in fact for all other gears and cables) if the room acoustics is not done properly. Charles has spent an awful lot of time in tackling the room and I believe his time and relentless effort is well rewarded with a room with all 4 walls almost disappeared and speakers disappeared. Though the ceiling is not very high, I don't feel the soundstage is compressed. Music flows out like a spring running into a sea rather than a pool without any rippling back. The room is no doubt tuned by both Franck's resonators and diffusor and at the same time by the paintings, cloud and blue tank, but the end result is not a 'dead quiet' studio type of darkness...

    Algame appears to mate very very well with 833 on all LPs that I brought over to Charles' placing including Royal Ballet Gala Performance, Goldberg/Lupu Mozart violin/piano sonata, leslie Cheung, Kuijken's Bach, Ancient Hungrie Dances...It produces layers after layers of bass waves filling up the entire listening space and on the other hand fast with unexaggerated impact...the drum CD that Charles played on his Orpheus Zero/Heritage combo has helped me to easily reach a conclusion that his system really sings with flying colours and this cannot happened by just mixing and matching the best gears into a system, but also a well tempted room. A very good lesson for me to learn!

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    Marvel bro, thank you for your compliment. Your endorsement means a lot. Do you still wanna join the German camp? Are you sure Uncle Sunray can beat the Algame? Do you know what's in common between the Uncle Sunray and th Algame? The bass system is simply state of the art.

    My private correpondence with Ray told me that he feel like you are descirbing the Sunray, that's really arouses him. The Sunray bass system is like firing missiles, the bass comes out from two sides and then combine together as one in front and goes in stealth mode. You don't see it, you don't grab it, you can only feel it. You need tremendous speed to maintain phase linearity. No matter where you locate the Sunray in your home, the bass firing properties remain, it always shoot from the side, then combine at the front.

    I don't understand how Tommy can do the Algame bass system so well. There are no more sound coming from those isobraric drivers. The bass is so natural and transparent, exactly the type you feel in concert hall. The integration amongst one small tweeter, lowether driver and 8 pairs of bass per channel is hell of a job. But miracle does happens even at such chaotic times.

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    Did you put the bass cover on your Algame? Shocking improvement after I put them back.
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    I did it.
    I told pt that result is so crazy.
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    Why don't you and PT inform me earlier????!!!??? But the differences are not as shocking as the Flow ic. I feel like Algame has find the right sword.
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    Voy, aren't you waiting for the FMR ic?
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    Jeff, you miss the point. The flow is in a class of its own regardless of price. We can always go for the best and higher model and higher. That we all know. You don't have to remind me.

    Take Marvel bro as an example - one of the most famous hi fi playboy worldwide - he's the "SMR EE" guy. Why is it taking the flow when he knows FMR will be there? Maybe, it is curiosity, maybe he is just a loyal customer. When he comments on cable, I always put my trust on him because he had go through so much. Of course, total system integration is another matter that I always openly challenge him. Cables are just one of the many parameters in building a fine system for music appreciation.

    The Algame changes everything I know about hi end audio and the arrival of flow put me in awe. And Ray is such a serious ass, can't we sometimes just forget about the price point and focus purely on the music fundamental? Didn't you read he said stupid cable war? His friends wanted to play that kind of game because of A is so much expensive than B....... then, what happened?

    No offense, just pure sharing of thoughts like our private conversations.
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    Come on you arrogant ass, just a causal question!
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    I only tell what I listened, that's all.
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    I think the 'science' part of cable matching is always use the flagship because cable is supposed to be 'passive' and should not 'add', it only subtract', how much it subtract and where would characterise a cable. I have gone through the science part because I had the best cable series in Argento all through my system. Comparatively speaking, this part is easy. But I think the 'art' part is more crucial and challenging taking into account personal preference, room and gear matching...which is something I am still learning. PT uses SME EE only recently and before that he used Level I, Flow, etc.. all became my 'spare' cable when the flagship pops up. But recently I started to use Flow power cord in the Vekian as opposed to OR, FMR and SMR EE which I tried all in the Vekian and my room fits best with Flow...believe it or not....

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    Charles, how's your lovely Algame doing? My burn in process is going smoothly. Did you try those stuff that kills glass reflection? They are damn good.
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    What kind of glass treatment?
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    mine is going smoothly too.
    i got 4 for kills glass but it is very damn good stuff.

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