Premier of Horning Statement - ALGAME ZIGMA
大家好! ALGAME ZIGMA是我本年度最期望的作品. 因為Tommy Horning投放了畢身技術在她身上. 由第一對prototype至今歷時三年半, Eufro是其研究ALGAME途中所悟出的傳奇傑作. 每一對喇叭也有其強項亦有相對的弱項, 但總體平行度卻是極之重要. 翻看record, 這兩年總共賣了八對Eufro, 而且用家好用心機去發揮她的長處. Ptsang在AE community內是十分要求之高, 且對硬件的埋解有著十分之深究也對Eufro有著極高的評價.
我知道Mr.DV和PT都認同Wavac 833和Eufro是天作之合, 所以令我更加期望ALGAME ZIGMA. 我亦知道Charles也曾經一度受到挫折而曾一時萌生放棄的念頭, 但在他努力尋根究低下日漸明日何謂平行度, 再以繼續走上一條"康寧之路".
ALGAME ZIGMA一對總重量達506磅, 靈敏度達101db, 每channel八對塗上了"isopunk"的isobraic bass drivers, 今次去Charles家這對是自然美麗的印度蘋果樹加拋光打磨, 特別安上了Franck Tchang為大喇叭設計的Grand Reference Feet.
究競833推Algame Zigma會去到什麼境界? VR已上了天堂. 一切迷團本週五於錦秀花園揭開. 我估計Algame Zigma在设有煲過的程況下, 已可將Eufro變為家庭影院的後置喇叭.
J. 林
大家好! ALGAME ZIGMA是我本年度最期望的作品. 因為Tommy Horning投放了畢身技術在她身上. 由第一對prototype至今歷時三年半, Eufro是其研究ALGAME途中所悟出的傳奇傑作. 每一對喇叭也有其強項亦有相對的弱項, 但總體平行度卻是極之重要. 翻看record, 這兩年總共賣了八對Eufro, 而且用家好用心機去發揮她的長處. Ptsang在AE community內是十分要求之高, 且對硬件的埋解有著十分之深究也對Eufro有著極高的評價.
我知道Mr.DV和PT都認同Wavac 833和Eufro是天作之合, 所以令我更加期望ALGAME ZIGMA. 我亦知道Charles也曾經一度受到挫折而曾一時萌生放棄的念頭, 但在他努力尋根究低下日漸明日何謂平行度, 再以繼續走上一條"康寧之路".
ALGAME ZIGMA一對總重量達506磅, 靈敏度達101db, 每channel八對塗上了"isopunk"的isobraic bass drivers, 今次去Charles家這對是自然美麗的印度蘋果樹加拋光打磨, 特別安上了Franck Tchang為大喇叭設計的Grand Reference Feet.
究競833推Algame Zigma會去到什麼境界? VR已上了天堂. 一切迷團本週五於錦秀花園揭開. 我估計Algame Zigma在设有煲過的程況下, 已可將Eufro變為家庭影院的後置喇叭.
J. 林
can you give some hints to play the Algame.
You are the Horning Master in Asia. All Horning users in the world know about you. I have friends in Denmark, Sweden, Australia and New Zealand all following your development. But we can't read Chinese but frequent conversation with PT allows us to ask him what have you been doing with your Eufro.
Your 833 driving Eufro makes headlines in many forums outside HK. If PT said 833 is a heavenly match with Eufro, I trust him blind because he is always right and he never bluffs! I am waiting for your report of your 833 driving the Algame. If the Eufro is made for 833, I am quite sure the Algame will be the ultimate woman for 833.
I have big headache now on amp. Have you listened to the Tron 211 amp? Didn't you see Marvel bro's "regretful" message? PT told me this morning that even the very critical Mr.DV endorses the Tron last night without any hesitation.