Finally, I surrender and brought in the Neodio DAC. I couldn't resist adding the Neodio DAC to the superb NR22 CD player. But my friend basically took my CD player after 30 minutes of audition so that I can move on to the separate CDT/DAC combo. This is is absolutely mind boggling.
What triggered me to bite the bullet was a brief visit to PT's "horny" home housing a huge pair of Cessaro Beta system. The source is the NeoDio CDT/DAC, Tron preamp and the amazing and yet controversial RSA-F1 digital amplifier. When he played a few cuts of a soprano singing spanish ancient songs, my spine was completely chilled. That's the voice of a human flesh right in front of me with superb imaging. For vocal, it is my subjective feeling that the Neodio is slightly better than the Opus. Perhaps, that is the inherent strength of the horn. I don't know.
And that Dire Strait recording "Brothers in Arm" that Mr.Fire4 championed about just shows off the capitality of the source to replay complex message with tremendous articulation in the bass. That is fast, colorful, and impactful at the same time. The melancholic tone of "Mark Knoplfer" emerged to the center stage against a lightning/thunderous background, for the first time after listening to this recording so many times, had me felt the music arrangment carries an "cinematic" effect.
This digital amplifier sounds more like tube amp than many modern tube amps nowadays. Great piece of work!
What triggered me to bite the bullet was a brief visit to PT's "horny" home housing a huge pair of Cessaro Beta system. The source is the NeoDio CDT/DAC, Tron preamp and the amazing and yet controversial RSA-F1 digital amplifier. When he played a few cuts of a soprano singing spanish ancient songs, my spine was completely chilled. That's the voice of a human flesh right in front of me with superb imaging. For vocal, it is my subjective feeling that the Neodio is slightly better than the Opus. Perhaps, that is the inherent strength of the horn. I don't know.
And that Dire Strait recording "Brothers in Arm" that Mr.Fire4 championed about just shows off the capitality of the source to replay complex message with tremendous articulation in the bass. That is fast, colorful, and impactful at the same time. The melancholic tone of "Mark Knoplfer" emerged to the center stage against a lightning/thunderous background, for the first time after listening to this recording so many times, had me felt the music arrangment carries an "cinematic" effect.
This digital amplifier sounds more like tube amp than many modern tube amps nowadays. Great piece of work!
我親耳證實肥仔基在過去一段日子不斷改進套系統, 到上週為止, 成套機玩到這個境界, 令我決定換Tidal喇叭.
我認為"莎莎"也是好喇叭. 音色平衡, 再沒有從前Watt/Puppy Bass走了出來的問題. 高音悦耳, 中頻滑溜, 低頷速度也算合格. 反而Maxx 3我未聽過一次滿意. 連貫性不合格, bass大大件, 適合家庭影院的大爆炸場面. 莎莎好得多.
愈大型的喇叭, 連貫性愈難達標. Tidal對Sunray + T1 subwoofer是奇兵. 梁先生可以玩到隱型, 音象在空氣浮游, 前後左右好似無牆一樣, 難怪火兄你心動.
我對Maxx 3真係唔係好惦. 莎莎的以且確平衡好多. 但我不會走回頭路. Tidal能重播到多元化的層次, 不衹是一般發燒友所指的分隔度, 而是不同樂器所發出音色的特性與其泛音的發展變化等 重播鋼琴能給我每一粒琴鍵所發出的音韻也有立體感.
添二哥絕對抵玩. 插了落Neodio後有何變化?
今早換條絕對創造二佬添電源線後,唉•••先後悔之前換頭嘅心力可以坑翻。用之前條線嘅錢,加碳纖頭錢,加埋自己嘅人工,不如直接買條二佬添仲好。NeoDio 插咗佢後,令本來已經好Analogue 的NeoDio 更analogue,更有音樂感。分析力,全頻平衡度等當然好咗,最令我眼前一亮的係當我聽隻2009年hifi show的普通cd時,先聽羅玧瑄的shenandoad, NeoDio 有二佬添嘅推動下,第一次喺屋企都聽到咁感動我嘅表演。這種感情嘅表達並非二佬添加咗啲甚麼醉人嘅音色(染),而係那種真實細緻嘅表達和十分自然的表演。之後試 Celibidache 嘅畫展,二佬添上場後,整體音場比之前立體。雖然我不太明白麥sir的從音色帶出的立體感,但用上二佬添後,真實感比之前好咗。因為條線夠靜,令到音樂細節比之前多咗,而且細節與細節簡是互相連貫。
1. 他沒有自己的音色
2. 透明度是真正3維, 微至一粒琴音, 大至一隊樂團也是三維的表達
3. 由於 (2), 結象能力是超乎我一般在這方便的認之.
4. 音韻的發展十分流暢; 快慢上落有序
5. 大音壓時仍然能夠保持鬆容不迫
6. 低音按制靈巧敏捷
我對於"揪線"是毫無興趣. 我祇買我認為是值得買的東西. 我巳經448個月冇換過喇叭線. 我亦十分清楚在AE以Sunray比較過才作出決定. 測試當人也有資深人士在場, 結論是一致.
小弟知道你德高望重, 而且說話亳無脂肪, 難得你用中文回答, 才能令我明白你的論點.
1. 它的定位能力不只限2, 3層的空間, 而是錄音的空間深度有幾多, 佢就能在這條Z-軸線上所有的樂器完全排列出來, 這更包括所有超微弱的呼吸聲和泛音. 非常驚人!
2. 這種超凡分析力郤又帶來一種膽所獨特的自然流暢
3. 但低音的速度快如閃電.