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    麥沙展師兄, 有空pm 交流下LA...小弟做緊好入門既DIGIAL 線... ^ ^ neodio 係目前小弟最愛既cdp.
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    我亦在此呼籲認為線材袛是調味的工具的話, 就要認真地去感受下"絕對創造"的絕對音色和速度. 肥仔基和J少爺竟夠膽廣發武林帖給客戶叫大家拿最貴的喇叭線上showroom比賽. 嘩! 心想真係夠薑, 終於忍唔住買了條二哥UL-TIM電源線落Wvac HE833 (受Danny最近Misconcepton of 833的言論影響, 又駁翻聽下).......

    大約24個小時後, 第一個感覺是"Misconception of 833"呢篇文, 我也可以寫寫....  
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    亨利, 你也買了部NR22 CD player嗎?
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    I got you guys! Well, I don't read Chinese, that's for sure. But with some private exchange with Uncle Ray, I roughly know what's the thrill here.

    I always have problem dealings with the French in the banking business. Their logics are somewhat different and frankly damn rare in some derivatives/option business. But they are damn creative. That's also a fact.

    I have known Uncle Ray for many years. I have rarely seen him recommending something so intensely. I jumped on the bandwagon after this strong ego-centric man said to me privately that he "might" misunderstand the Wavac HE833 as he can imagine the amplifier will transform after the French application.

    Then, WChow wrote something in Chinese again that I have to asked my secretary to translate this morning. (By the way, her job in the past two weeks is to translate everything written in this page).

    All the big brothers in this space endorse it, take them into ownership. What the hell I am waiting for? I aint have too much time to die, why not be the French and have some real fun.

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    Voy you cannot be wrong on this!
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    edited July 2011

    FMR is a good PC, but it overlaps certain characteristics of HE833 and together they create a few problems including the inflated cello and intense pianist. I strongly believe 絕對創造 is an excellent partner of HE833.

    For the past two months, the sound coming from my Affascinate driven by HE833 changes dramatically weekly. I am now yet to receive the Thais HC next week to further evaluate the full potential of HE833 before defending the accused.

    If you still listen to your HE833, I highly recommend you to order the Virginia boards and upgrade your Affascinate. The changes are revolutionary and the midrange purity is really jaw dropping.
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    Neo Dio become the member of my system.
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    It's still quite new, but the performance is stunning. When I firstly listened to the NR22 at home, I was surprised that I had really missed so many details when I used my previous cd player that using a very famous and popular transport. The analogue presentation of music appeared first time at my place.
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    Nice taste. Simple and yet elegant system. Tidal speakers are great. The Neodio produces analog-like musicality.
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    呢部機有排嘆! 記得整條"添哥"二弟電源或訊號線比佢發揮到盡!
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    最衰係肥仔基,喺showroom 整條添哥大佬俾我嘆(試),毒到我而家仲頭暈暈,好彩有部NR22解一解毒。
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    "絕對創造"的添哥電源和素碼線在過去二週可以話係橫掃"所有"各門的坐館級線材, 領到各方兄弟不是味兒. 原本不太愛好揪線的我也開始沾沾自喜. 冷靜過後終能享受真正的滿足 - 是一種立體感, 但不是三維空間的一類. 是一種前所未有的"從音色所帶出的立體感".

    傑夫兄, 你體驗過, 你認同嗎?
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    沙展兄,唔好意思,咁遲先見到你個post同覆你。換咗NeoDio 後有時間就去聽歌仔,少咗上網。

    講返絕對創造,大佬添的確令NeoDio 還原一個很立體的音場,而且全頻很平衡。
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    請問你對Tidal喇叭正唔正? 我愈聴得多, 仲毒愈深. 極度平行和連貫, 心想好多人也未接觸過, 真是不知什麼是好喇叭.

    你果然獨具慧眼, 我現在打算十二月出手.
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    火四兄,Tidal 喇叭真的極度平衡及連貫,分析力高但完全沒有一般陶瓷單元的薄聲。相信你在AE showroom 亦感受得到。當然showroom的 system比我家的實在勁抽太多了,但Tidal 喇叭的個性始終不變。唯一美中不足就係缺貨,有$都要等貨返。火四兄若然想十二月出手,不如早點找肥仔基商量。
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