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The Ultimate Reference Power Bar by ORB - the KYOTO



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    MIKADO GRADE 直繹即等於"天皇"級排蘇, 查看網頁後才知這舊天皇京都骨是限量製作. 我十分好奇點解日本仔對排蘇極之執著.
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    The improvement brought from the Kyoto power bar is hard to describe from a rational mind. I hate to "hype" anything but I have no clue why a passive device like a power bar absent any active components inside could elevate the perofrmance by at least two notches. There is no shift of tonal balance. This is not the stuff that makes you feel like after taking the "Viaga". It is calm, quiet, sophiscated and natural. After two days of continuously burn-in, I am thinking of getting a 3rd one.
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    A few days with Kyoto in my system have given me ample opportunity to burn it in and spin more LPs that I am familiar with in order to find out what it means to my entire system performance.

    For sure, it is the same design philosophy to provide the utmost neutrality and deliver with minimal electrical energy loss. What it does best and outperform the OrB HG-4TT power bar by a wide margin is the background darkness and serenity between musical notes. To me, the power bar is a tool like a power cable and the jump from HG-4TT to Kyoto is like replacing an Argento Level I power cord by the FMR power cord....imagine you upgrade your power cords to all your components by 2 levels up...

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    If the Kyoto could wake up the hidden micro dynamic, this is the "Must Buy" item beside Crazy rack.

    The last demo was kidnapped....... Appreciate any Kyoto user can come and load me Kyoto for a short trial this week end or next week? Pls do not hesitate to contact me. hehe!
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    Mr.DV, 不用試, 你死硬.
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    力水is not my cup of tea wow, how about micro dynamic?
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    怎樣界定micro dynamic,是否例如鋼琴打擊下去的泛音變化或管弦樂合奏當中的各聲部的和而不同,細微變化.
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    I can assure you the replacement of HT4G to KYOTO yields much more details. Details include harmonics from all frequencies, hall ambience, revert time etc. If you are particularly concerned about micro dynamics of piano, the improvement after using Kyoto is especially noticeable.

    The final sonic picture is a function of your system's overall balance. The dynamic (energy portion of dynamic) that impresses you from PT's system comes from (1) the Shilabe cartridge. I have the DV cartridge and I know what I am talking. (2) the Tron combo.

    All the micro details comes from his Flow interconnects and Kyoto. If I take out any of the above, you might not feel what you had felt.

    The Kyoto is a serious accessory. The improvement is not small even though I have Wavac AC-1.
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    You should have shed any doubt in getting Kyoto into your system as the result is all round positive in all hi-fi terminologies that you can use to describe a system. The only challenge for you is how you can fit it into your mess of cables that you pictured the other day. You will have not only backache but also headache. It took me more than 1 hour to re-figure out the cables and the rest in order to get it in but it worths every effort to doing so.

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    These long awaited small items but highly effective AC accessories finally arrived.
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    Poisoning act of Kyoto at DSo place this afternoon.
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    呢舊唔係京都骨, 簡直係一隻黑寡婦.

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    黑寡婦? DSo一試即死?

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    Hey brother Charles, what are you taking about in Chinese? I received mine last week. I concur with Ray: how the hell can a passive power bar makes so much improvement? There are much more bass details from the Algame. I mean much much more.
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