Just went there for an hour. My conclusion is "WOW"! What a speakers! Frankly speaking, I like this pair more than the big Carmen. Dispersion of energy, dynamics, transients, resolution and overall speed are all extremely well done. If I closed my eyes, it is not easily be told whether it is the wagner singing or the Carmen playing. Is it true that this speakers are brand new is my question mark in my mind when I was walking back to my galleria in hollywood road. The shock factor is big. Decision is easily made, sell my Kharma.
I also had the chance to listen to the Wagner, the pink lady surpirsed me with her sexy outlook. But more importantly she sang with energy and passion! With a slightly bigger size than Chopin, Wagner projects a huge sound stage and with detail resolution. When PT played the KAZE at the end, i felt myself was actually sitting in the concert hall, hearing clapping from the front and back. Wagner far exceeding my expectation.
Yes my friend was about to change to Wilson Alexia as he has been using Wilson since watt/puppy 5. He feel bored but Wilson is always a safe buy. And the Alexia is a good speakers too. After lunch, he made up his mind to go for Wagner. He was surprised to make this decision too but the demo was much more than shocking.
I also miss the party but surely will catch up with Azzurri to have a home visit. I am sure more Wagner will be coming to this community after these overwhelming feedbacks. I can also imagine if adding the latest Rachmaninoff subwoofer, the over all soundstage will be amaziingly grand rivalling all the big brothers in the Cessaro family. I am actively discussing with PT how I can fit a subwoofer in my Alpha2 to get the complete lower octave!!
Today's demo of Wagner is unbelievable that I never expect a 7" bass compression driver can produce so great the low frequency no matter in terms of quality and quantity. When playing the Hotel California in DVD audio version ,hanks to the horn designed for the bass and mid/treble driver, the drum bass is punchy and much faster than my 800 diamond. Afterwards, PT said we should listen to a LP Four Italian Sonatas by Nathan Milstein which is one of the best recording in his collection to audition if Wagner is able to reproduce the violin texture. I was shocked and be impressed by the Wagner demonstration.
My friend, just wanted to play safe, went to listen to Alexia again using some of the records we listened at AE yesterday. Less than 5 minutes, he called PT to confirm the Wagner.
The pink lady is so sexy and charming that it kills at least 3 people now. I had opportunity to listen to Wagner connected to sub-wofer, once in the Munich show using he Universe sub-wofer and the other in the AE showroom using the build in sub-wofer of Carmen. The sub-woofer will make the holistic output from Wagner more complete. I look forward to the arrival of Rach sub. I can imagine it will be just like 自護 with the 2 legs installed. And of course this complete suit of 自護 will be for 馬莎大佐 as well.
Lunch time畢竟時間有限,但大家是拍手離開。老實說,我們以為馬莎上校是和Cessaro在Munich show一起做馬, 聽完之後,應該叫你馬莎大佐!在德國即場落單,有型有款!
你的言論十分之風趣,但又言之有物,後輩獲益良多。你所提到Wagner速度的一致性比Carmen還要好的論點,我有所認同,但又不思其解. 不過,Wagner在剛拆箱和隨意擺位的情況下,可已經有技驚四座的份量。星戰黑武士的老朋友應該已經作了決擇。
Marvel大大, 你一定要加Rach sub, 我擔心長江後浪推前浪!你家大把空間,不要又黎客氣呢套啦!玩了多年,難道超低經驗是白紙一張咩。