That Beethoven SC is really beyond my imagination of what a SC can bring into the system. The clarity, the quietness, details, dynamics, energy and everything indeed, has no close rival. It is not about giving Hifi effects, but squeezing out more music, a very natural and live-like expression. The SC is not yet run-in but already improves my system a lot.
I echo this, provided that the system is 'clean' enough not disturbed by any source of noise, putting in either the Beethoven or Vertere will render more minute contrasts to be surfaced up which gone unnoticed without these cables.
Obviously the huge linebacker XE cannot be built into a power cable! The linebacker XE is a damn must for Wadax ultimate phono! It works fucking wonder in my system. But it has been out of stock for 7 damn months. I wanna get another one but tired of waiting month after month.
This Vertere HB power cable is going to be a giant killer like the HB interconnect! I have a very high expectation on it. The best 3 power cords that I have used so far are: Goebel statement, Dalby Ode and Tripoint Thor Signature. Would be interesting to hear this one as well as Arhat, latter of which looks gigantic (and possibly quite heavy).
每次都有可觀進步 , 認識wadax , 令我知道cas可以有更方便方法代督CD player , 而且效果更好,相信等值CD機要戰勝wadax 恐怕吾多,加埋便利性更加冇得比,何況我仲有1組優質phono在手,點計都冇得輸.
chopin 加入亦系另一階段 , 可能因為佢既front load 設計,聲音更直接自然
早幾日marvel同亞文到訪 , 仲有好多手信,貝多芬,goebel,vertereHB....
當日以sam hui 咪當我老襯做參考 , 加左貝多芬,果種活生生既感覺好實在,歌曲內容既市井味道盡顯,相信尼個就系貝多芬既威力所在.
就作一個比喻,高逹港元80萬的Transparent Magnum Opus喇叭缐能夠把每一件樂器掛在空間中,晶瑩剔透,這一種的立體感極為吸引,泛音也處理得極為自然,音色非常滑毫無雜質,動態大開大合,音樂感和HI FI感全是甲級中甲級的表現,遠超於其他美式的線材,是少有美國出產的精品。
不過,重播鄧麗君和Handel的Messiah, 反覆多次比較,給終都不及貝多芬。
I echo this, provided that the system is 'clean' enough not disturbed by any source of noise, putting in either the Beethoven or Vertere will render more minute contrasts to be surfaced up which gone unnoticed without these cables.
Obviously the huge linebacker XE cannot be built into a power cable! The linebacker XE is a damn must for Wadax ultimate phono! It works fucking wonder in my system. But it has been out of stock for 7 damn months. I wanna get another one but tired of waiting month after month.