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Troy Elite NG/ Troy Elite/Empress/Troy signature by Tripoint



  • I just bought the Troy also and I can only say that the improvements are real and substantial. The sound stage seems wider and deeper and instruments all seem to sound louder and more intense in a natural and pure musical way. Voices are all more life like and its like I upgraded all components! My next question is whether it's worthwhile to upgrade to higher level grounding cables?!!!
  • Kevin,

    Troy is a must. The craziest guy in the community who spend a fortune on ground cables is PT. If you paid a visit to AE, you will see each of the ground cables used by PT are mostly more than 50% of the troy. In two cases, the ground cables are more expensive than the Troy by Dalby of UK. Demo is lethal. If you are not prepared to spend that much on ground cables (PT usually advised customers NOT to follow his crazy path on ground cables), my advice is don't ask him to do demo.

    I acquired 1 Dalby ground cable, and it is a real deal, as exotic as the Troy signature.
  • Thanks for your advice. I will check it out with "danger" in mind! If I were to get 1 Dalby ground cable, which component would you consider to be most critical to be used first? Pre amp or power amp I would imagine?
  • Kevin兄長,AE showroom 劇毒無比,但真的是極度震撼。
  • Kevin,

    different component will generate and store ground noise to different extent, if you have only one ground cable to use, better try on different locations to maximise the yield. In my case, I put most of the top notch ground cables in the preamp and power amp. Especially I do believe power amp generate the most ground noise and it contaminate the signal to the speaker in the most direct way....I also believe there is ground noise to sieve out from the speakers but admittedly I have never tried. Anybody in the forum who has tried?

  • Thanks guys, I think my plan is to just slowly and patiently upgrade each ground cable one by one. I plan to demo each one and assess their quality. I am secretly hoping that I can't tell the difference so that I can just live with the standard Troy ground cables...
  • Finally!
    I cannot resist the temptation of this signature after visited PT's home. I upgraded!!!!
  • This is just the beginning. Why PT (AE) is so far ahead of everyone else is the investment in grounding. And the craziest of all is the subsequent investment in grounding cables. For people who just experienced the troy signature should know they would never achieve what they are listening now without tackling the ground regardless of the value of your hardwares and cables.
  • Thanks Kahw for bringing his new Tripoint Signature (just 2 days old!) to my friend's house for a home trial.

    And now there is one believer more! haha
  • More and more are using 2 Troy signature
  • Hi Chris,

    How shall the division of labour be when there are two Tripoint Signature in a stereo system?

    One for digital and one for analog?
    Or linking them up for higher capacity and a common ground?


  • CKKeung

    My years of experience tell me the following:

    1. Allow dedicated post for power amp.
    2. Never mix digital with analog gear

    Two Troy signature working together clearly lower the noise floor further. That is why Lincoln Cheng of Audiotechniqie uses two.
  • If you just have one, I suggest the following:

    1. arm and phono - one post

    2. Preamp and power amp (stereo/mono) one post

    3. Digital gear - one post.
  • If mono power amp can be served by dedicated post without sharing with other component, the improvement is very obvious.
  • We are in the west are slow to adapt to the grounding game like you bunch. For that, you are to be congratulated for your zeal and experimentation. Question: are Entreq and Tripoint interchangeable or equivalent in performance? Some users have insinuated (albeit without a direct comparison) that its a matter of taste like choosing a Ferrari and a Lamborghini. Why spend all that money on Tripoint if Entreq will deliver the same performance? I know Lincoln Cheng has exposure to both. I was wondering what if any experience the AE club has to add to this discussion. I have heard a demonstration of the Tripoint Orion and Troy at an audio show, and it was profound. I plan on acquiring a Troy Signature at some point.
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