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Troy Elite NG/ Troy Elite/Empress/Troy signature by Tripoint

edited January 2019 in General
Big Grass of Audiotechnique immediately installed 2. He WhatsApps me and said the following: "嘿!何止天外有天,簡直去了大氣層啦!"


  • These are the pics he WhatsApps me last night during the installation at his home.
  • Two Troy Signature working simultaneously.
  • I really have nothing to say. Is there a limit? Can silence live in the 4th dimension? Infinity comes to mind. I am damned.

    Miguel, are you an alien live in outer space? You must be an alien.
  • Ya... I believe Miguel is an alien. He comes from another world with new technology.
  • I wasn't surprised by the exquisite craftsmanship, which has always been of the highest order.

    I wasn't intimidated by the sheer weight, which was handled with care by our delivery expert.

    I didn't bother watching the user manual, which looks pretty much like the previous one.

    When masterpiece like the now classic Troy has been with you for years, we simply take every improvement for granted. Countless upgrades have been made since which certainly blurs my impression of the original.

    Look, the Signature joins my fleet and within an hour of casual audition. The pleasing sound of silence brings me instantly closer to the virtual reality.

    Troy is my doorstep to appreciate silence, and Troy Signature opens another door of silence, as rightly pointed out by Raymond & Voy, from the outerspace.

    We shall witness the power of 4 Troy Signatures on the 13th. WOW!

  • If the tech really comes from the outer space, I am sure the space must be a much more quiet place than earth. We don't know silence until the arrival of Troy 4 years ago. But the "depth" of silence only unveils now with the Troy signature. The depth of silence is scary as quality of imaging has taken to an unprecedented level. Each musical notes carry a depth dimension now. This is amazing in every aspect.
  • Troy signature帶領我的靈魂去了太虛,感受到一個無限大的寧靜音樂世界. 現實世界的電話聆聲不停地響也不能把我從太虛帶回來. 連綿的音符極為之細膩觸動耳覺,音色的陰影描述可謂栩栩如生,音的影子也能呈現眼前. 難怪草哥形容去了太空,我絕對有同感.
  • This is absolutely stunning! I have been listening from 12:00am until now. My system has transformed into one hell of an organic music playback system after assault of Troy sig from outer space. It is damn freaking crazy invention. I don't understand quite well how the art of silencing morphs into organic delivery of music. But the ease and stressfree presentation of my system now is priceless. I have never experienced something like this.
  • I am speechless as well.
  • It belongs to the "sacred" class, exceeding adjectives like hi end, super league and ultra end.
  • My father says the "naturalness" of music as the way it supposed to be is unprecedented after the installation of Troy Signature. He reminds me not to confuse "naturalness" with "smoothness". The former is a concept that requires more listening to real music, and the latter is more of an audiophile concept. Naturalness is related to openness as well. The vocalism of Beyond's 黃家駒 is open with coarse texture at some frequency. His voice cannot sound too "smooth". It is in this aspect that Troy signature is able to improve the reproduction of his voice to a level as though you breathe together with him. Yet at the same time, when you listen to
  • the pianism of Pires, Richard Goodman and Pletnev etc, the serenity of harmonics in between the notes is reproduced with ultra fine elegance that drives you into deep thoughts of appreciation. This is a new dimension that one can only experience. I am still absolutely stunned by Miguel's work ever since the connection of it to my full fledge Trinity system at home driving Cessaro Chopin with Subwoofer.
  • The resolution of "soul" behind the artists is enormous is my one simple conclusion of the Troy signature.
  • Uncle Ray, you are spot on. Resolution of soundstage is no longer adequate to judge the performance. Resolution of the "soul" is a new benchmark. Too bad, not many people understand what we are talking about here. But Troy signature is soulful!
  • This is the best of the best product not only for this year but for as long as I live. It blows away the old troy. No words can describe the experience.
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