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Troy : Defying Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle



  • Tripoint and Orion next to each other...
  • It was definitely an rewarding evening. Katongkid had been patiently waiting for me for 2 days as it was too heavy for him to lift the Orion out of the wooden crate.
  • Much easier for two of us to take it out.
  • The spikes are obviously well built. I am surprised to spot even the texture of the metal is finely polished.
  • We both stood for a minute or so to appreciate this jewel. There is an atmosphere of "growing confidence" when the Orion was out of the bag.
  • It was a matter of cable management. We re-arranged all the Argento FMR so that there is adequate space for the Orion to go underneath the rack. This is the chance to take a family photo - Troy and Orion before the Tidal Impact Mono blocks were placed in front of them
  • Hello Katongkid, I understand your happiness very much. Even though I am a user of Spartan, I also ordered an additional Orion entirely for my source component and let Spartan to handle just the power amp to get the the maximum result.

    A friend of mine has the most expensive stereo amplifier on earth - FM1811 also bought a Spartan. With 1800w into 2 ohm loading, all of my friends here do not believe there is any AC conditioning device that can handle this monster. In the end, he also bought the Spartan.

    Jeff (Taipei)
  • This is his system. The Esoteric flagship source, FM268mk2 and FM1811. The Spartan is sitting next behind the FM1811.
  • And the Troy is there as well.
  • A Closer shot
  • Katongkid,

    How does the Orion perform in your system? You said transformational. Can you elaborate?
  • Uncle Ray, it is phenomenal. It is beautifully crafted too.
  • 我個朋友"任我行"也加了個Troy, 佢話非常堅及抵玩, 好過幾皮野買對線.
  • Today was my very first time to visit Big Glass' system at home. His current system consists of the Ktema speakers driven by a pair of Audio Note 211 mono block amp (retails for HK$2 million!) and the Audio Note M10 preamp.
  • And the whole system (a total of 9 equipments) is all connected to the Troy by Tripoint located at the platform area behind his system. A medical doctor was there too when he was doing the demo with and without the Troy. The conclusion is consistent across all users around the world - can't live without it.
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