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Troy : Defying Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle



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    Isn't it ironical that I am listening to the simplicity for the first time as the distributor? Stocks cannot satisfy demand despite the strength of the CHF!
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    Last night, we set up the Troy in a Kondo based system with a pair of Kharma Grand Exquisite.
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    The speakers were driven by two pairs of Kondo Gakuon II. The Jeff Rowland amplifiers at the back are used for home theatre application.
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    Even without turning on the volume, the noise floor of the room dropped notably after two ground wires were connected to the Kondo Ginza turntable. There are two ground posts on the Ginza turntable - connections are easy. And the improvement is phenomenal.
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    The owner of the system only connects one ground wire per post to get the best result. Obviously, this is not enough for his electronics. A 2nd Troy is forthcoming just for his Kondo Gakuon 211 mono blocks.

    We even connected one to his blu-ray player. In his own words, the contrasts are better. Black is blacker and white is purer.
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    All Troys will be delivered today. Thanks for waiting.
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    It was 10:30pm when I received an SMS saying "Thank you very much. The Orion is really very good stuff". We delivered it to him 10 am in the morning and probably he listened the whole day thru.
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    For Troy, the whole slot that is due in July is sold out. We apologize for long waiting time. The next slot is end Jul/early August.
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    Another Orion was delivered today to -DSo.
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    The owner of this mega system learns quickly about the immense power of the Troy. One is inadequate for him as he only uses one ground wire per post. That's why he needs a 2nd one purely for his power amps.
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    I am also planning to get another Troy as the number of components has out numbered the binding posts available in the Troy that I have...being a semi-perfectionist, I think buying one more Troy makes more sense than squeezing all the 8-9 ground wires into the 3 posts, especially one has been dedicated for use by the fat and stiff Thais ground wire!
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    丿我們青衣,荃灣以及觀瑭線的發燒兄弟一致認為Troy是近十載最值得投資的音響配件, 就連聾聾地的水雷輝也聽到梁醒波把聲的韻味大大提升致佢聴錄音帶的感覺. 由於我套FM前後大電流, 我唔想有干擾, 所以也決定打孖上!
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    我哋玩通宵差不多六點又要開車了, 但心情好靚有一種滿足感從未feel過. 多下一步是那部叫O的電源處理器
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    火四郎兄,troy和spartan都是决一不可。雖然orion可能省地方和便宜一些,要令它可接駁大電流的功放恐怕要用上一條能供應大電流而又夠速度的電源線。tripoint. 條high current應是完美配搭但價格高昂!analog domain條電源應該不錯,可考慮。最終都係買部spartan一了百了!
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    你終於打中文回覆了. Troy打孖上果然非同凡響. 一個字:靜. 係靜上加靜.冇Q灑干擾. 我班兄弟也買了Neodio 22解碼, 明天拿過來比我聽下. 佢地依家播Alan唱幸運星和愛在深秋好Q有味道. 我知一件頭CDP已經賣到斷, 分體一定更好.
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