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Vekian transport



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    Don't you agree many top notch CD source can give you a lot of details on a 'flat screen' covering seemingly the whole room but only for a limited depth? Please don't get wrong about the reverbration, say within a church or a concert hall...this only gives you the 'height'. In listening to Lori, I can feel the wall at the back of the studio which made this recording and coincidentally it matches very well with the physical room in AE showroom, that is why we both have a very very strong feeling that the singer was actually inside the room. When we listened to Joan Baez in the Bullring, the rear wall of AE suddenly disappear and I was clapping my hands together with the audience there....

    In answering your question on musicality, what constitutes musicality to me is undoubtedly the original recording...on the same piece of music if it is performed by a master, we can have more spiritual interactions with the performers through the flow, rhythm and tempo of the music. From a hi-fi perspective, flow, rhythm and tempo can be interpreted as coherence, microdynamics, macrodynamics and control. In all aspects, Vekian combo score very very high especially on the control which I believe has a lot to do with the synchronisation of the clocking between the sound data and time data to allow a very accurate transmission of the original recording along the original time axis. We compared the HDMI link with the house BNC digital link, although it is not conclusive, it lacks jus a bit on the 'ghostly' feel on the 3-dimensionality just like watching a 3-d HDTV without the special visual glasses...

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    Marvel大哥, 係我青衣火四郎. Fire4呢個名都係你幫我改. 我的英文好水皮所以一直未能參加討論, 昨天友人終於教我login.

    我都是Vekian解碼用家,一直都是用天琴的零轉盤用SMR素碼線和Flow電源至今仍末換過. 我對於呢部好有Boulder look的Vekian轉盤極有興趣. 由於零轉盤唔夠班襯唔起我套FM前後, 我曾經想換柏林之聲的069但我真的覺得把聲偏硬和乾, 中音密度和中低爆炸力亦好不過現任的Vekian, 最後放棄.

    你地講到又有鬼和黑魔術等等, 不如安排我和青衣小巴線的一兩個兄弟來聽下. 究竟我要打幾號電話? 好似經常冇人開鐺.

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    Hi Fire4, I have similar limitation as my PC cannot 'write' Chinese.

    069 is also something I wanted to try among those others expensive ones, like Soulution, dCS, Goldmund Eidos Reference, Kalista Reference...I really hope those owners of these expensive toys can go and challenge this Vekian combo to share more on how they all score among themselves and versus Vekian.

    AE showroom is by appointment so please let PT knows when you would like to visit. I am sure he would be glad to accommodate you.

    I am sure you will be very disappointed after the listening, not because of the system performance, it is because the first batch of 6 units have all been sold out (one to the poor Marvel) and Jlam cannot tell when the next batch will come...Better check stock availability before making the appointment.

    I listened to Orpheus Prestige several times in AE showroom, a wonderful one piece SACD player reminding me the time when I was using Zero transport and Privelege DAC! If you imagine Prestige as a transport is, say, 80% better than Zero when mating with Vekian DAC, this Vekian transport is 100% !

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    Agh.... Marvel bro, correct me if I am wrong... It seems from your perspective, the reality of the voice is due to the ultra capability of the digital suite to recreate the acoustic venue of the recording resembling the physical acoustic property of the AE showroom. The reality to you is defined more by the spatial parameters.

    I have a complete different interpretation. I am refering to the tonality of the voice that is no different from human fresh because I had listened Lori singing live several times in the US. This is what it stunned me, although you brought up a point that I did not notice.

    It shows how we listen differently and what matters to you and me the most. We all have different priority.
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    I'd go after the hype starts decaying. It is not because I don't trust you guys' ear but I don't want to be trapped in your description.
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    To me, musicality comes from the original recording, if the performer is not good enough, the rhythm is flat, tempo is mechanical...for it to be ghostly real, my first and foremost requirement is the size and scale must be proper. PT turned the volume quite high when we listened to your CD and I thought the lady was standing in front of me but her height and mouth are a bit exaggerated and I turned the volume down a bit and I could really feel her standing inside the room, with front and the back and the back wall...the virtual space of your CD just superimpose nicely and perfectly into the physical dimension of the AE showroom, I think this create the 'ghostly' feeling...of course vocal is tuneful and full of tonal details and lively colors...

    Raymond, I doubt you are the kind of person who would be easily led away by others' view...don't wait...
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    未聽過CD板林子祥可以揪低隻黑膠. 播得好有人氣輕鬆自然. 啞榮帶了許冠傑的打雀英雄傳來試下麻雀聲的真實感, 佢老兄由朝到晚都打麻雀, 佢話他可以聽到錄音內的麻雀聲是在一張實木加了塊布之後所產生的撞擊聲. 佢話從未聽過有系統可以重播至呢個境界. 我就話佢sock撚左! 呀Sam把聲跟林子祥一樣, 好鬼有人氣, 今次連個黑膠都可慳埋, 絕對有So!

    燦仔話要試D激烈D野, 異口同聲播Beyond! 家駒是我至愛, 佢把聲好有爆炸了, 又沙沙地, 喉底聲又夠雄渾, 不易播得全面. 記得2年前到肥仔基府上聽那套其怪的達文西, 音色雖然無敵, 但冇爆炸力, 家駒好似肥撚左好多. 我都聽過現場家駒既, 唔好以為一味播古典就代表有音樂感至得架. 播完月光光, 我地不發一言, 再播Amani, 直踩光輝歲月. 我地好懷念九十年代的香港/

    老實說, 呢對喇叭真係好撚勁下, 平行連貫透明, 百幾其實可以考慮, 大狗把垃圾貴過佢, 但表現冇佢十分之一. 他朝二手市場, 應可橫掃. 老哥我已老了, 冇時間再聽D垃圾, 亦再不想看二手佬面色, 要考慮考慮, 唔知用FM推又會點呢?

    肥仔基, 我已寫出了真感受, 你話平宜多2k架! 今天過數落訂. 挑那星, 呢個盤真係好撚堅. 今時今日真係好盤難求.
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    I agree, 今時今日真係好盤難求.
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    Uncle Ray, I assure you there is no hype here. Looking back, the only hype I agree at least in my group is: Wavac AC-2, Jorma Prime and Bertram.
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    呢條SMR signature素碼線係我試過最堅的一條, 昨天帶埋去和HDMI時鐘線比較, 各有名特色.
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    There is NO hype. We are not deaf.
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    請問這裡邊個係杏花村"匠神"? 果邊條小巴線想見色下.
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    He is the 杏花村 "XX".
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    Azzuri was testing several CDs on the Vek digital suite during lunch time. The recording quality of this disc featuring Msia as lead vocal is excellent.
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