JMF Audio - the French School of Thought
Dear all,
I had not formally announce it until now because of the following reasons:
1. Scarcity of stock
2. Pricey Transport seems out of fashion
3. State of denial
With heavyweight users reporting to me consistently their "otherworldly" experiences in a shocking manner, it is a good time to announce the availability of it as permanent demo is now available at AE.
I had not formally announce it until now because of the following reasons:
1. Scarcity of stock
2. Pricey Transport seems out of fashion
3. State of denial
With heavyweight users reporting to me consistently their "otherworldly" experiences in a shocking manner, it is a good time to announce the availability of it as permanent demo is now available at AE.
我非常同意你的觀點. 多年來,我玩過Hi End transport 無數包括burmester 969/069, goldmund eidos reference (和Marvel相識時候), metronome kalista, esoteric, cec, dCS Vivaldi 等等, 可以説是各有各特色。但是JMF3.7不是我們認識CD transport的聲底, 大膽說句, 它能播放出如同黑膠的密度,不是扮,而且是等同,尤其是播放Pure Audio,令我讚嘆非常。
First few tracks AB comparison just leave me with more '??' can they do this outperforming the CAS which I think is extremely analog sounding.
Next thing for me was to dash out for more Pure Audio bluray...