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Da Vinci Virtu Party all set!



  • Voy, I truly agree with you that one won't swim by reading the guidebook. I do swim but not as good as Dso, he came and taught me some skills in swimming. If I can master the skill like Dso, I am sure I will enjoy swimming much more....
  • The big boss told me there is a new Mr.DV in the making. Should we call him Dr.DV?
  • This is interesting. It must be Danny who will be another Mr.DV. The ultra expensive Virtu mono amplifiers must shock him off the chair at AE2, as it happened to Shanghai bigpiece and me.
  • Danny,

    Congratulation! You have become another Mr.DV! I have no chance to audition the Virtu mono block over here but trust the exquisite taste of all AE fellowers. The next is the phono stage, I guess. Enjoy and please post photos of a complete DV system soon.

  • Jeff,

    Not yet, not until the release of Nifty phono. From the performance of Nifty preamp, I truly believe the Nifty phono should be something extraordinary.

    BTW, thanks for your help in speeding up my upgrade.

  • This Da Vinci/Cessaro system is truly amazing. I find it difficult to comprehend what I experienced in this small room is total absence of the physical wall including the ceiling now! And there is no booming with two big pairs of subwoofers. Even depth and width are perceived much better than systems I experienced in other bigger setup. Why is that?

    This Da Vinci Virtu amp does not render the same timid image of the old Da Vinci. I feel a live that is completely reborn even with more passion.

    Danny, you must be a very happy man!
  • 達文西一套前後要成百萬, 佢一定要掂啦! 質感強烈無比, 速度快, 動態又大, 在AE2有一種"無牆的感覺". 天花新按裝那個WING diffusor令到錄音內的堂音蓋過頭, 有種環迴立體的感覺. Dalby對Lignum限量腳將部Nifty前大幅提升, 冇AB比較真係唔Q信!

    不過我仍然十分喜歡巨匠一套前後的表現. 部Da Vinci送比丹尼先生後, 我想再聽巨匠K70 mark 2在天花treat了後的比表.

    聽完AE2, 再去AE1. 聽PT講連植師父玩Durand唱臂如箸了火一樣, 兩星期內去調教NVS三次, 播師父自已的珍藏錄音, 所做出來的音場尤如我可走入去一樣. 十分驚人! 我起碼三天在家開唔到機!
  • Peter Brem is making Danny's Virtu mono blocks now. Jolanda told me he had just went to a hairdresser and hence he looks cool from behind.
  • Danny,

    How was the Virtu amp driving your Cessaro? Pls share.

  • Raymond,

    Last weekend there was a minor problem and fortunately it has been fixed. I am going to do some cable and cartridge matching on Saturday, and if lucky I can sit down, relax and enjoy the Virtu amp on Sunday. I will share some experiences with this amazing amp next week.

  • Danny,

    How is your Da Vinci system doing in the 2nd week?

  • Danny,

    How is your Cessaro speaker doing driven by Da Vinci Virtu amp now? Does it kill Wavac 833 on the forehead?
  • The Virtu amp and my Affascinate are heavenly matched, it surpasses HE 833 in every aspect by a significant margin especially in the top and bottom end region. It sounds like distortion free with amazing speed and control. I need more time to evaluate this revolutionary product, more to follow…….
  • Danny,

    Glad to know you are now in musical heaven. The era of 833 is gone in exchange for real tonal resolution. The circuit ground of the Da Vinci Virtu amp opens up new possibilities that are unprecedented. In this regard, you should ask big boss JLam to get you the latest Tripoint flagship ground cable - THOR - for a ride to the heaven.

    Happy listening. I remain in the Analog Domain camp, though the desire of getting a Da Vinci phono is rising every day.
  • edited March 2012
    This arm is great in every aspect. I have no opportunity to listen to it at depth because every single one of them is sold. Sorry, AE has no demo. It was the first time I spent two hours on the Virtu arm together with Gabriel turntable and Zanden 1200mk3 phono stage. This arm has much more energy than the Grandezza, more stability plus an unspoken sense of calmness. There is more tonal resolution which is the priority of all Da Vinci design. My fingers are crossing for the next natch to come in.
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