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What is your greatest buy from AE in 2009?



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    Mr. Fong,

    It is not a wise idea to wear a price tag on everything. You do have the freedom to use whatever ways to deliver your message. The million mark is only a price tag. The spirit here is how to make the best of the resources, not showing off how much jewels one wears.

    I have 3 pairs of speaker that is in excess of HK$1 million. The Cessaro Gamma project will cost me roughly HK$3 million with custom specifications meeting my requirement. But that do not make me a wise audiophile. I admit I am a ultra hi fi play boy but I don't talk the way you do. It is annoying.

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    Mr. Fong,

    833 is not a plug n play toy and is very sensitive to any kind of noise, say mechanical, ground and AC. Unlike many other amps, it won’t soften these noises and make them pleasant to ear. In fact it creates a lot of its own ground noises because of those big transformers. But the good thing is you know they are there and you have to deal with them. Among the dealers in Hong Kong, AE knows the best how to tackle them. Once you remove all these noises, 833 can produce very live music which many amps cannot match.

    FYI, I am using 833 to drive a pair of Cesaro horn. But I can’t hear any of those problems mentioned by your friend. You and your friend are very welcome for an audition.

    P.S. When we listen to a system, should we listen to the sound instead of the price?
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    能夠在國際知名的Audio Exotics Forum做成熱烈討論, 我亦很開心。

    首先回應台北朋友Jeff。只是一個很簡單很簡單的問題, Jeff先生為什麼不考慮Alpha? 為什麼不考慮Beta? 為什麼一出手就是價位最高最頂級的Gamma? 因為什麼? 因為你我本是同一類人。因為你只相信最頂級的才夠強。因為你相信價位要到才有本質上的優勢,質素本身必定比二, 三線產品好。

    Jeff先生, Jeff Rowland會贏Goldmund嗎?

    至於用了最貴最好都沒有把Jeff先生變成為 “WISE AUDIOPHILE”或有認受性, 我只能說人人知識, 智慧, IQ也不同,有了夠價器材再加上能耐成功是必然。但物有貴賤, 人有好醜, 玩得好各人所需時間亦必有長短。
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    Mr. Danny So,

    高興見到你的留言。看過巨匠 versus 威域金人那一個賽事,知道閣下一力捍衛了833之名,絕對有實力之人。這裡我有幾個問題,因為音響圈中人也是經驗之輩,想請教Mr. So:

    1. 你認識新界833的機主嗎? 你有聽過那套機嗎?
    2. 如蘇先生有聽過, 圈中人認同新界833那套機也是不錯的系統但有雜聲及毛燥感, 你同意嗎?
    3. 蘇先生提到用了Audio Exotics的產品就可deal with 833的缺點, 這引伸出兩個問題:
    a.) 為什麼沒有人引導新界833解決問題? 這可不是Audio Exotics的責任?
    b.) 如已經提供方案, 即新界833機主係唔識玩?
    4. 蘇先生提到, “Once you remove all these noises, 833 can produce very live music which many amps cannot match.” 看過Forum的資料我相信蘇先生的833好可能會比新界833好, 但如果我的過百萬後級沒什麽Audio Exotics的產品輔助, 我也嬴不到你嗎?
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    究竟你想表達什麼訊息? 就是你部百萬元後級天下無敵?

    這裡討論氣氛一向良好, 為何你挑起爭拗?

    你自己也未聽過就下定論? 我現在就說你部功放一定是揾笨之作, 因為一名國際有名的圈中人跟我私底下說的. 他說總體表現不俗, 音色甜美, 收放自如, 但賣到這個價, 只有不懂的人才會比錢. 我只是聽聞......自己冇聽過...
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    What is hell is going on here? What are the controversial issues?
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    VR, someone is picking up a fight with us here? No big deal. I always enjoy open debate very much.
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    Like many Chinese, Jeff talked in a very humble way and we have been friends for many years. The fact that buying all the exotics and most expensive gears does not make him wise does not automatically make him stupid. Of all the audiophile friends that I know of, Jeff is no doubt the most serious and logical one. I bet most of us would not have spent a continuous 30 hours to hold sessions for comparing various preamps, power amps, power cables, interconnect cables with a panel of judges including a professor teaching music in a Taiwan university. Countless gears have been tested and compared in Jeff's listening rooms including the most worship brands in the market, of course including FM, Goldmund top end power amps falling in your 'price range'. Any gears that are considered good enough would stay and those not would go, I remember I was offered an exotic DAC from a prestigous brand by Jeff after he has bought it for about 2 weeks.

    Price is undoubtedly a good meansure in gauging the quality of a product, especially for exotic products like hifi, race cars, etc...I bet you would agree with me that the price that we as a consumer are paying should include categorically 2 elements: (1) quality and performance (2) brand name premium. For hifi, the first category would be related to the circuit design, compatibility with other gears, sonical performance, look and feel. The second category involves the market competitiveness, global support, peer worshipping and even 2nd hand market value.

    As a consumer, I am now more conscious on how much proportion that I am paying between these 2 categories. A Nissan GTR R35 costs less than 1million but please go to u-tube and find out how many other super cars like Lambo, GT3, 430 are losing to this one...if you have got one (or many) of these super cars, may be we should hook up for a morning ride with my R35.

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    By the way, when Jeff is holding comparison sessions, he formed a panel of 7 people in order to be able to make a clear draw all the time. What I mean continuous 30 hours session is for each category so you can imagine how serious he is. I still keep his emails to me on all the comparison but Jeff told me upfront that this is not for open discussion to avoid hurting the interest of other dealers.
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    這裡是一個Forum。一個論壇應該可容納正反意見, 我有我表達高價位高質素意見,你有你的matching什麽什麽的。自由發表。

    而且我亦是Audio Exotics顧客, 我亦擁有SRA。Tidal Sunray也是我的興趣。我的器材發哥無需要聽過,因為必定會比那套不到價位發揮不到的新界833好。

    至於 “不懂的人才會比錢” 還是有財力又懂得欣賞的人才會比錢,也是見仁見智吧。
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    摘自2009年12月 一篇家访

    乐天一族的"农民" 意犹未尽,送走尊贵的FM功放,换上了国产“熊猫“的双管805推挽胆机上阵,旋一热身再播原来的曲目,此时一众人等举座皆惊,估不到这50W+50W的胆放无论宽松自然,饱满丰润都优于名震寰宇的FM后级, 而且控制力 也毫不逊色,低频表现更雄厚有力。看来这“国宝熊猫“确是非同小可,怪不得当年(90年代),“大熊猫“(每边4支805推挽)参加拉斯维加斯大展荣获金奖。有此殊荣真乃实至名归。

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    相信Mr. Danny So一定係外遊了而沒空在此交流。如果不是的話......那就可能是:

    1. 承認新界833唔夠班但蘇先生為人厚道不想表明

    2. 全部833都係唔掂, 所以唔答。

    Audio Exotics啲833剩下你一個長勝將軍趙子龍夠Guts, 又有勇有謀, 連你也告老歸田......就可惜可惜了。那你又何必邀請我到你家呢?
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    Mr. Fong,

    You are clearly not aiming for constructive discussion. If you want to pick fight, tell me what kind of game you wanna play. I would like to be your opponent. I am a Sunray user, and will soon get the flagship preamp exceeding the price of yours. I will go for LPX active crossover using two pairs of mono blocks. Probably, this system meets your "price" requirement.

    But your knowledge and behavior do not meet my minimum requirement to visit my system. It is fair to ask some tough questions, like I always do. But what you had written in the past few days only tell me you are simply an arrogant dumb ass.

    Wanna pick more fights? Come on!
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    從馬來西亞觀看你的表演, 我有理由相信你是敵軍間諜!



    在商言商, 這行動是不道德的!

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