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What is your greatest buy from AE in 2009?



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    My Crazy Square arrived right before Christmas, thanks PT so much for this special arrangement. How to describe it? If I use a fxxk to express my feeling towards Troy, then I have to use at least 2 fxxks to tell you guys my experience with this rack! The rack still needs sometime to settle down and I will share more later.

    If the rack could not arrive this year, my best buy would be Troy. But now my vote has to be Crazy Square.
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    No doubt, its the Troy. I've said before the Troy adds tonal color to the overall performance, it does not if you let it run for several months.
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    For me, the Intonation system, Organic cables . They both make me very very happy. If I consider the price.......the best buy this year is

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    1. Organic SC and IC, my best buy in 2009.
    2. Argento Flow IC
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    走了個地球一轉後, 終於回到香港! 這裡十分之熱鬧, 有排才能追讀翻舊posts. 至於我的最愛選擇是:

    1. Tripoint Troy
    2. FMR cables

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    davinci nobile tonearm, great value!
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    最遺憾你們Audio Exotics沒什麼好的後級相配SRA….

    833…用來放什麼好?? 粗粗厚厚無深度….. 只是非常大力

    805剛剛相反, 微弱稀薄

    講昂貴, 你還是不夠我貴。

    希望你們Audio Exotics多做好
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    Mr Fong,
    AE is still very young, you can't compare them with those long established commercial giants per se. And I disagree with your comments about the 805 Mark 2 amp, the stock 805 tubes belongs to the trash, you should hear it with the WE tubes before you give it your assessment.FYI, I'm not using this amp as my reference amp.
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    但請Audio Exotics拿出一部過百萬的STereo Amp出來再說833及805的質素吧。

    千古以來貨品價錢直接反映貨物質素。莫說什麽西電膽很好, 膽機的Damping factor少而冇控制力也是不爭事實!!

    再加上價位半百萬也未到, 勝負非常明顯。

    我只相信價位。成二十幾萬一個CRazy Rack就合我口味。再一次以Audio Exotics產品證明 "價位反映實力" !!
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    Stereophile Class-A Recommended Components "But I doubt you'll hear an amplifier that delivers the effervescence, transparency, and solidity of live music all kinds of live music as convincingly and effectively as does the WAVAC SH833." - Michael Fremer (Stereophile, July 2004)

    W 1840 mm x D 525 mm x H 622 mm
    Weight 496 KG

    Mr.Fong, I belive you rich enough to get this. not to waste time for other cheap amp.
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    Studiogrey請勿介意, 我是說, 過百萬一部的Stereo 後級, 而不是兩百幾萬, 有成八舊嘢的膽M!

    現在Audio Exotics裡, 除Crazy 架外, 只有Tidal對SunRay我覺得夠價位同夠斤兩。可惜周圍冇什麼介紹Tidal這牌子的文章,看你們這個Forum, 用Tidal的人寫的用後感, 又神又耶穌, 叫秘書查完字典都唔明, 唔應該岐視無宗教人仕。
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    雖然價位通常反映器材質數, 但音響是講求總體配告. 你部過百萬後級也不一定能和號角喇叭配合得到, 但我不能下定論說你部後級唔掂.

    Tidal Sunray是極品, 我也聽過一次, 當時我喜歡他多過PT玩Cessaro Alpha One. 你買什麼不關我事, 但這裡的文章全都是有水準有深度的交流, 我更不明白關宗教什麼事.
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    May I know what speakers are you using? You are free to express whatever you want but I really can't see how religion is related to the discussion.
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    Where did you listen the 833 and 805? I cannot entirely agree your argument in this hobby. It is all about matching.
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    發哥: “這裡的文章全都是有水準有深度的交流, 我更不明白關宗教什麼事”
    答: 這裡我需要致道歉,我可能說得不好。本人無意外傷害宗教與非宗教人士。

    KingPuiyi: “May I know what speakers are you using?”
    答: 是一對過百萬的喇叭。KingPuiyi閣下也是嗎?

    WChow: “Where did you listen the 833?”
    答: 我本身沒有親自聽過。我是透過一位音響圈中人仕知道,他在新界區聽過一對833。要點如下:

    一、 整體表現不差
    二、 音色粗,力量大
    三、 833後級好有毛毛燥燥感覺
    四、 最致命是雜聲充斥
    五、 機主表現冷淡,我亦沒有再要求介紹
    六、 加上833的價位只是我的一半價錢, 勝負相當明顯
    七、 圈中人說, 就算我沒有用SRA, 那部新界833也埋不到身

    發哥: “音響是講求總體配告”
    答: 我比較欣賞成套玩同牌子的用家。起碼前後要一致。

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