Just got mine! !!! Ray, come on, I love your lecture. Don't be too serious. I will use the FMR in the place where EE has been standing confidently for the past two years. I will report tomorrow! Oh, please don't knock on my damn head... I know burn in is required.. but I can't hold the excitement. To be exact, following Ray's line of logic, how FMR will better reflect the Zanden combo and the Vekain is of enormous interest to me. I have two source, just to play safe when either one is down. Happy Listening.
Hello guys, I and Jeff listened to the Tidal based after placing the FMRs in. We on and off listened from 3pm yesterday till 3am this morning with the usual group of people all using the EE for 2 years. I don't mind Ray giving me another lecture, and I don't care if you guys complaint my comments are lack of run-in or whatever, the FMR outperforms the EE in ALL areas. Following Ray's logic, the FMR brings out even more information from the sources in the most convincing tonality with the palpable spatial cues. We tried Zanden, Vekian, dCS Scarlatti and Orpheus Heritage. We were melted down by the tone of Milstein's violin play through the Tidal phono stage. Since most think EE is the endgame and close to perfect including Ray himself, I would like to see if he can prove all of us wrong over here.
I'm not going to work this morning. The shock is too big. I just ran a pair from the Zanden 2000p/5000s to the Horning amp. Glued to the chair for 10hrs.
It was a listening marathon last night. I am still speechless. We are now talking about the ability of the FMR to reveal the imaging of "each key" on the piano. The revealation of micro distances on the keyboard is truly dear yours out of this planet. I am surprised the telefunken cca inside the Zanden 5000s has so much more spatial cues. On orchestral recording, this spatial cues can easily satisfy many most audiophile just like a bunch of air at the back means good. What about air and spatial cues at the micro level inbetween keystrokes? The basslie can be followed with rhythm, harmonics, transients and weight. Don't really know how to say more.
Ray, forget about the run-in, that's what a group of crazy bastard heard last night and you can name all the most expensive cables in this crazy world, and we have them all over here.
Together with PT, we connected the first pair of FMR from preamp to power amp replacing the SMREE. Improvements from mid all the way to high were immediately recognised. Although the track that we used to do this comparison test does not offer too much of a challenge in the bass compartment, I can feel (standing at the back of PT who was sitting on my usual seat) the soundstage is more vivid and engulfing with more ambience and air.
Without too much of patience from both of us, we changed the Flow from TT to phono preamp with the 2nd pair. The change is like viewing a 100" HD projector vs a 42" plasma. All characteristics the same between the 2 cables, but it is an average of 20-30% improvement across all hi-fi attributes that I can think of. We used a Proprius LP performed by Kabi Laretei on Mozart piano sonata for the listening test and I can clearly hear the positioning of each keystrokes in front of me. It is like many point sources producing the different keystrokes chaining up in a musical rhythm....this is really a big WOW crying out from my heart although I was actually standing still with my both hands holding my jaw!!
It is not the kind of FMR power to SMREE power or Flow power to FMR power, for this interconnect, I think FMR is just a name in order to align with other product line, to a hardcore EE fans like me, I would say this is the UE (Ultimate Edition) on top of EE.
Before PT spinned off, I asked again if there will be a FMR digital and he smiled...
Hello guys, I listened straight for 30 hours, patiently waiting for the evolvement of the FMR to better transmit the source signal from Vekian to the Tidal Preos. Like everyone, the shock factor was big in the first 10 hours. The next 10 hours, the shock factor was replaced by "deep respect" for the conscience of the designer. The last 10 hours, I started jotting down notes of the information that wasn't before with the EE but now revealed naturally by the FMR. The next many hours will purely be music enjoyment.
Ray, forget about the run-in, that's what a group of crazy bastard heard last night and you can name all the most expensive cables in this crazy world, and we have them all over here.
Without too much of patience from both of us, we changed the Flow from TT to phono preamp with the 2nd pair. The change is like viewing a 100" HD projector vs a 42" plasma. All characteristics the same between the 2 cables, but it is an average of 20-30% improvement across all hi-fi attributes that I can think of. We used a Proprius LP performed by Kabi Laretei on Mozart piano sonata for the listening test and I can clearly hear the positioning of each keystrokes in front of me. It is like many point sources producing the different keystrokes chaining up in a musical rhythm....this is really a big WOW crying out from my heart although I was actually standing still with my both hands holding my jaw!!
It is not the kind of FMR power to SMREE power or Flow power to FMR power, for this interconnect, I think FMR is just a name in order to align with other product line, to a hardcore EE fans like me, I would say this is the UE (Ultimate Edition) on top of EE.
Before PT spinned off, I asked again if there will be a FMR digital and he smiled...