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Marvel's Wavac 805mk2



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    Raymond, I will go for United 805.

    SRA for the power supplies delivered tonight. Thanks to PT and his crew for the usual efficiency! Though my 805 main units are sitting only on the SRA for Baldur, the entire system is now considered as 'floating' on SRA Ohio XL2 which produces very accurate and linear performance cross all frequencies with an extremely low noise platform.

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    When either the 805 main units or the power supply were sitting on my tile floor or carpet, the total resolution drops noticeably. Now I begin to capitalise more on the power of the 805 in delivering continuous surging up and down on the dynamic cycle swiftly with a speed only determined by the original performer (I am listening to Ricci's Glory of Cremona and could hear lots and lots of touching and skills by Ricci!!

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    Did you play around the ground swtich at the back of the 805ps?

    Placing two chassis so close to each other is not good - thermal distortion. Such placement creates hum easily. I don't think that is a custom solution by SRA. Isn't it?
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    No I have not switched the earth plug at the back. Any special sonical change as a result?

    Yes, you are right, this is the amp stand for my previous amp, I can use 2 as I have a pair of SRA but due to space constraint, if i use 2, I cannot even walk close to my CD and LP turntable to swap disc. So far I have not experienced any hm sound as a result of such positioning but I will put more attention and in case it happens, I will use 2 SRA. Thank you for your advice!!

    That is the fun of sharing photo as veteran like Raymond can help pointing out issue like this which I may not have thought about previously.

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    Exploration spirit is important. Lifting the ground reduces noises further.
    The power supply of the 805/SRA on the right hand side is sitting on carpet but the left hand side is sitting on hard floor. Is this an intentional tuning?

    You have all Ohio for everyone, but why there is none for the Tidal preamp? What is the impedance setting of the Preos to complement the dv cartridge?

    How do you deal with the glasses??? Why not pull down the curtain?
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    The german empire is clearly gone. Will the tidal preamp over control the bass?
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    Raymond, thanks for your further observation. The one on the right is on the carpet because of space, not really intentional. Tidal with SRA is too fit to be housed into the Craz rack and this was not originally forseen. I can marginally use SRA on Syren as it is slightly 'shorter' than Tidal. I use 100ohm impedance setting but PT has recommended me recently to tune it down to 50ohm What is your setting by the way?

    For the glass window, I am using the resonators and diffusors which are very effective.

    Voy, I don't feel any over control of the Tidal on the bass, why?
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    Have you changed the power tubes?
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    No, I have not changed the power tubes, any recommendation?
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    United should fit you more than RCA.
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    Thanks Raymond, I am going to use United, waiting for stock.
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    Bro Fat,

    833 vs 805mk2 will happen...don't miss the chance....

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    Ain't we all love war?
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    Marvel bro, Chinese power tubes are not that stable, and that's could be the reason of blowing fuse. If it persists for a few times that means both tubes and the amp are not working at a stable condition, change tubes is a must step. Some of the Chinese made tubes can go crazy only after using a month or so, of course some can last for a longer time, my humble advice is not to risk.
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    I am not sure how you can compare the 833 and 805. Are they sitting all on SRA? Are the cables exactly the same? Do they plug into the same electrical outlet? What about the position of the resonators or other room acoustic treatment?

    With the constant power delivery of the 833, the silver resonators are better located at higher position. If you don't alter the location, the placement of 805 in the chain may sound less beefy in the bass.

    FMR suits better. But this depends on the room size. Dso should use FMR as the breathing space is larger.
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