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Marvel's New Chapter: The Affascinate Horn System by Cessaro



  • listened yesterday night of Marvel new speaker, the sound is very good, much better then before.
    Good job!
  • Studiogrey, will you join the horny camp?
  • This is really exotic...what is the wood venir called?
  • This is called Macassar. I strongly recommend you buy a big carpet in front of the craze rack and roll it all the way back to your rear wall. The small "sheep" carpet is not adequate to tame floor noises.
  • marvel, your horn is lovely. Are you having a wild ride every night with frameless dynamic? Will the German Tank drive the horny girl a little bit too hard? You may need smaller power amp to experience the finesse side of your girl.
  • Voy is probably right. I always sit farther away with Jeff when the baldur is driving the horn.
  • Voy,

    Your question on whether the German Tank would drive (or over damp) the Cessaro too hard was indeed a very tough question to answer. I had an interesting experience pairing up German Tank with Eufrodite and the overdamping feel surfaced almost instantaneously leading to my changing the output speaker impedance from 4ohm to 8ohm on the German tank. Result was good but still not good enough compared to what I heard the Eufro singing in PT's system.

    This time, without hesitation and upon the recommendation of PT and Ralph, I connected the speakers on the 8ohm binding post and try different type and scale of music. Frankly there is still a very minor but noticeable 'tightness' on the bass compared to PT's Alpha. I will ultimately try a 300B or 211. PT is extremely contended with his push pull 300B specially designed for Cessaro by Yamada san and I trust this is a safe route. My curiosity would certainly drive me towards trying the Tron211...

    The improvement on running a fully balanced route from Heritage DAC into the Conductor and then to the Baldur is stunning and it easily outperforms my house Zanden combo on certain type of music especially on large scale orchestral type. On vocals and chamber music, there are still pros and cons between the 2 DACs. Having said that, with some fine tuning on the LP setup and a better handling of the impedance setting on the Wavac phono, I trust my LP is up to standards.

    You are certainly welcome to drop by but other than an 'average' standard of music, I may not have any exquisite red to serve you....

  • Marvel Bro,

    From my experience, horns need different ways of thinking about amplification.

    Have you thought about different tubes? 45? PX25? AD1? A custom Zanden 45 push-pull will really be something :-)

  • Are tube noises serious?
  • Ken,

    audible tube noises come up after 1.5 hours of listening. Any suggestion? There are more than 30 tubes in my mono block power amps, not to mention the other 5 or 6 inside the preamp. Since the power amp are high power amp so I think tube noise is unavoidable.

  • Marvel,

    So, you finally go to Tidal phone? Any idea replace by 300B or 211?
  • ccn.

    I am very keen to have Tidal as a phono in my system and this is in my plan for 2008. Will try my best to stay away from other hobbies in order to save up money for this.

    300B and 211...Not sure if it will happen in 2008 and at this moment, I am very happy being Mr. German Tank.

  • Why don't you become a Tron guy? Only one pair of amplifier away..
  • Voy,

    I might. I am still consistently inconsistent. My idea is I might go for a Tron211 Stereo and run 2 pairs of AV and one Tron. Or else I could also get a pair of 211 mono and become a Tron guy by only using one pair of amplification. From the fun perspective, keeping 2 is better. From logistic point of view, staying with one pair would avoid swapping all the cables connecting to the amp once in a while.

    What's your suggestion? By the way, is your mono a push pull 211 or a single ended 211?

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