昨天終於見到真身,九層piano lacquer,做功完美!喇叭體積在我家裡都算龐大,開聲熱身半小時後已經好有狀態,中高密度好高,能量強但沒有壓迫感,Saxum Power Amp 亦推動得輕鬆,初步感覺同系統與房間並沒有太大排斥,定位與比例暫時未算滿意,等佢慢慢 run in 後,要再處理喇叭擺位,HiFi 從來都不是 plug and play 就可以!
First pair of Marquis in HK/Asia has the debut landing this morning. Pairing with the Synaestec Fulcrum and Saxum, Marquis captivated my wandering soul by the extreme image alignment and coherence even in the first 1 hour of listening. It is absolutely stress free and surprisingly less room agnostic than the previous speaker at high volume.
The photo was just a initial setup position. since I’ve no idea for Marquis. so I need to try different toe in angle. see which is the best in my house.
Hi Mr Dynamic, Congratulations to be the 1st owner of this wondeful speakers ! May I know what your ex-speakers are ? How do you compare with them ? Thank you. Regards, Jason.
因為聆聽空間不大,所以神曲 Majestic、Noblesse 從來都只能遠觀,直到知道有Marquis 嘅出現,我間了PT一句,「我屋企食得落 Marquis嗎?」,佢嘅回覆係「得」,我就毫不猶豫落訂。
昨天終於見到真身,九層piano lacquer,做功完美!喇叭體積在我家裡都算龐大,開聲熱身半小時後已經好有狀態,中高密度好高,能量強但沒有壓迫感,Saxum Power Amp 亦推動得輕鬆,初步感覺同系統與房間並沒有太大排斥,定位與比例暫時未算滿意,等佢慢慢 run in 後,要再處理喇叭擺位,HiFi 從來都不是 plug and play 就可以!
我深信Mr Dynamic一定能掌控「候爵」發揮其音樂能量,感動人心。
Hi Jeff,
Its placement in their much bigger listening room is with a big toe-in, quite diff from that in Mr. Dynamic's house.
Mybe because of diff rooms and diff pairing audio components.
The photo was just a initial setup position. since I’ve no idea for Marquis. so I need to try different toe in angle. see which is the best in my house.
Congratulations to be the 1st owner of this wondeful speakers !
May I know what your ex-speakers are ?
How do you compare with them ?
Thank you.
Regards, Jason.
I used to use Rockport Atria II. In the price range of Atria II, I believe that it has been exceeded.
By comparison, the marquis are much more powerful and it was in the level of large speaker. overall character are also similar to 大神曲.
Dear Dynamic,
I want to take this chance and congratulate you to the first pair of Divin Marquis in Hong Kong.
I wish you endless enjoyable hours with our products and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.
All the best,
This is a great speakers. I love it very much. Thanks for your great job !