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Greatest War of Amplifiers in September

The challenger is "巨匠" Takumi K-70 by Robert Koda.


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    We have never listened to this beast before but are confident enough to challenge any amplifiers in the market.
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    The elegant circuitry speaks for itself.
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    功放大戰一觸即發! 我最愛揪機, 到時預埋我. 今日個forum好鬼精彩
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    Takumi K-70 to challenge which amps? There can't be a war without enemies.
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    I heard it will versus 833....speaker matching will be a main issue...
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    Another challenger is "Skyline" Amplifier by Weber Laboratories in Germany. The whole signal path of the Skyline amplifier is made by 4N pure silver (inclusive of the transformers). A few AE fellows listened to the prototype of this amplifier before. One of them was Bigpiece in Shanghai. He told me that that is the amplifier that he will go for it for his Cessaro horn system.
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    PTsang told me that any amp using KT88 tubes will not impress him. Ralph told me the same. After he listened to this amp, he made no comments. He did not make any specific reference to this amp which he did not even ask the brand name but he just said that he was finally pleased with the "overall" performance of my system for the very first time after he installed the external cross over.

    This amp is an understatement. It does not possess the ego of the Wavac 833. It does not possess the "mysterious" feeling of the Takumi K-70 which we had never listened before.
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    Amp war, good, please count me in.
    KT88 has a soft and mellow sound which I don't like(Jadis amps use KT88 tubes), but to a good designer, tubes is only part of the integral.
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    曾比得大人, Jadis用任何胆都是一樣聲底, 所以未必關KT88胆的事情. 我也未聽過SKYLINE, 但應該係勁野.
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    This guy is probably Robert Koda. The Takumi left Japan today.
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    The Takumi drove this antique Western Electric field coil horn with flying color in Japan last Saturday.
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    Are you kidding? Solid state driving field coil horn? We shall find out soon. The battle will be held at DSo's place.
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    Fat Gor,Jadis amps sound different with KT77 tubes,the key is 'do not' use a Jadis preamp with a Jadis amp.
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    子曰: 膽之功放, 必先以"定"而為先焉. 原子粒之優, 在於"準". 觀乎當世之後, 金身強人威域雖以能量雄霸天下多久,但卻遲遲未能稱皇.樂於聞之"巨匠"和"天人"雙雙降臨, 以壯吾之見, 乃是圈內幸事.

    吾之聽聞, 暫時未有一方能勝券在握.未知周皇爺, 蘇城主, 和立公子等人有何勝算之道?
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    OK, I take it very very serious. I will do an audition for the GREAT Koda Amp tomorrow!!!

    I am ready to have heart attack......
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