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Argento EE Speaker Cables

The EE spk cables is expensive, perhaps exceedingly expensive, but every serious audionut should own a pair or you owe yourself an apology, I'm serious about this. At first listen at PT's place, I thought it's the best match with the Cessaro, I use it now with my Eufro for 2-3 weeks, a single pair of it completely blew my bi-wire Kondo away, bearing in mind Kondo amps sound its best with Kondo cables and Eufro sounds its best bi-wired. The EE has many virtues just like other well designed spk cables, what it does good is it has the magic to put/drive the listener to sit closer to the musicans enjoying/playing music with them together, and this very magic makes me forget the first time the hi-fi artifacts I'm looking for when changing gears in the past. I can now listen to music from afternoon to late night without getting tired or bored, regardless of the source(digital or analogue).
Thanks to the AE guys again, you people continue to make my hi-fi life more and more amusing.


  • Ptsang, I agree with you as I have compared the EE spk cable to Odin bought from the US two months ago. The Odin has all the details that a super cable should have but the "highlighting" factor is just too assuming to my taste. The details are always on the spotlight. The EE presents details in a manner that relaxes the mind but retain all the agility and roaring power when they are called into service. Some of my friends in the US was in my house comparing the two. The Odin is still a great cable, maybe better match with system like Jadis. I am quite convinced by the result as the Tidal Preos and the Impact are the most colorness equipment money can buy.
  • I like to play the role of a bad guy. It is not my style to concur easily with hype or propoganda. But the EE spk wires really really got me, end of search for spk cable search if you are truly a music lover, period.
  • Ptsang, do you have the EE interconnect too? If not, you owe yourself an apology too.
  • PTsang,

    And the SMREE digital as well. PTsang, the I2S cable of Zanden is very good but when you listen more on SmR EE especially under HE speakers, you will still appreciate the richer texture and energy on the EE digital. I am using EE after Cessaro but before that I felt quite sufficient on I2S optical on Mosquito Neo speakers.

  • Raymond,
    yes i know, but my wife likes the LV gold watch....I'm working on it, no,on both.damnnnnnn
    Base on the experience from the EE spk cables, I have high hopes on the EE digital cable.
  • Ptsang, between the EE digital and the EE interconnect, I will always pick the EE ic for analog signal transfer. The EE interconnect simply peels off layers and layers of tonal texture assuming your system is capable of displaying the resolution in a natural way.
  • Marvel, are you in town?
  • Yes, I am....

    For CD playback, Raymond, I do believe the EE digital furnishes all the details by widening the transmission pipe from the primary source. My voodoo theory on cables is always put the best on the upper portion of the chain. To me, if there is one shot of EE, I would put it between the transport and DAC. For PTsang where fire arms are not an issue, I think he will eventually go a full EE chain.

    Jeff, you have EEE and EE all around so I think it never occurs to you any transmission bottleneck,in terms of bandwidth, energy and speed, right?
  • If you got the super clock inside the Z2000p, I thik money better spent on the analog ic.
  • Guys,
    A complete EE set up, sounds amazing. Do you find a little whitish in the higher-mid if all are EE's, I'm not saying it is, I'm not sure unless I have the complete tool, or may be I have been poisoned too long by the Kondo sound....
    EE fans, please do not hit me too hard.......
  • Raymond,

    I have got the super clock and before I changed to Cessaro, I really did not find much difference between the EE digital and the I2S optical link as the latter transmit the clock signal as I understand. With Cessaro, I can hear more tonal texture from the EE while the I2S is still very very refine and accurate. I propose the EE digital to PTsang simply because I believe his Zanden combo did not come with the superclock so using an EE digtal may have an edge over the I2S. This is experimental and I leave this to PTsang for his golden ears to tell if the difference is worth it.

  • I don't have golden ears, its simply love and hate when I evaluate a product.
  • Don't be out of context. I am not starting a fight of EE digital versus EE ic. They can't be done anyway because apple is different from orange. Like you, I wired the whole system by EE. I am not trying to convince ptsange follow my route. Just an expresion of opinion, be cool man.
  • All EE cables are great.
  • Raymond, no worry, we are all here to share experience and I totally agree with you that we cannot compare digital to ic. It is just that if I want to put my priority in cabling, I would consider the digital link first.

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