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Danny's Horny day



  • Can you imagine what would happen when the Raven 3motor AC sits on the SRA Ohio XL platform specifically made for it. Though I am still desperately waiting for it, I have a high hope on it because Raven AC is one of favourite LP TT of Kevin who is the owner and designer of SRA! Who else can made a better platform for it?


  • Sounds like another serious toy for Marvel bro. What's your plan to futher improve your room acoustics? I had a chat with the king horn. He's not happy with your hard room tone.
  • You are right. How can we help? Any suggestion to improve Marvel bro's room accoustics is welcome.
  • Hi, For the 833/horn party, Wednesday is not O.K for me.
    I suggest on Thursday night.
    is O.K for everyone?
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