This cable continues to amuse me whenever it is disconnected and connected back to my systems at home as well as in the showroom in Central. For various trial and comparison reasons, HBS has been taken away from my systems for a while. Magical moments always happen when HBS is connected back, to the Phase Management Center, to the turntable, to the phono, to the preamp and power literally all positions, HBS has the magic of unleashing more micro-dynamics from the music leading to a more lyrical and paced flow of music. Without HBS, music tends to be more ‘mechanically’ delivered with less shadings and deliberate pauses imposed between notes.
Compared to HB, this new flagship has a much more ample supply of energy and does not shy out from other more muscular power cables when being used in the 500W power amp! The only ‘No’ I often give is to answer the question whether HBS carries any signature sound of its own.
Get my HBS cable as it is always out of stocks. I fit it to my Zanden 6000 to level up to a special (or may be unique per price/performance ratio) integration effect of soundstage that I believed some of you had heard it.
This cable continues to amuse me whenever it is disconnected and connected back to my systems at home as well as in the showroom in Central. For various trial and comparison reasons, HBS has been taken away from my systems for a while. Magical moments always happen when HBS is connected back, to the Phase Management Center, to the turntable, to the phono, to the preamp and power literally all positions, HBS has the magic of unleashing more micro-dynamics from the music leading to a more lyrical and paced flow of music. Without HBS, music tends to be more ‘mechanically’ delivered with less shadings and deliberate pauses imposed between notes.
Compared to HB, this new flagship has a much more ample supply of energy and does not shy out from other more muscular power cables when being used in the 500W power amp! The only ‘No’ I often give is to answer the question whether HBS carries any signature sound of its own.
Get my HBS cable as it is always out of stocks. I fit it to my Zanden 6000 to level up to a special (or may be unique per price/performance ratio) integration effect of soundstage that I believed some of you had heard it.
Thanks Marvel, Learner.
can you share more on what Vertere HBS has contributed when being used in the amp?
經過差不多用咗40個鐘煲練HBS電源線,都聽咗好多個歌。技術嘢我唔識講,PT同Marvel都已經講過。我認為呢條線最主要效應是在”感情”、”激情”、“激昂” ... (請用你嘅形容詞)元素。HBS 可以根據我選歌嘅內容、口味加深感受。
其實我好少聽古典,其他的歌曲只要係旋律優美和歌詞有意思,我都會聽。從一開始接上HBS,作過比喻: 我去到酒廊,正跟著侍應去我個座位,但我已經感受到有一對很好的樂隊在演奏或者在場播放嘅音樂好連貫和好有感情。坐低之後享受地聽歌(今天認真地聽不同嘅歌曲),可以一首接一首聽下去,以往聽過嘅歌曲都會有好大的好奇心想盡快再重播,尋找演出者感情方面如何演繹。例如:
HBS is used in JMF 3.7 CD transport to make the sound humane, which is Vertere's masterpiece.
Ture masterpieces - inside and out.
/ Marcus,