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When PT let me tried the flow in my CDT, esoteric P-03, I sold the vahalla in same day.
my little advise, I have the FMR also but too powerful, can't connect with my CDT but suitable for my dCS elgar, I think the best company of FMR should be powerM, I wonder why not body try it on there???


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    I used FMR for my wavac ec300b power amp with excellent result. The energy expands very natural, the pace of music become more correct, more details and very 3D life-like imaging. My wife walked out of the kitchen and asked me did I buy a new machine again, I said no but a cable. She told me until now she finds the system plays music, before she think it is very noisy sound. Before I had g6 RM/RH power cable, the snake powercord, the synergistic research absolute reference square, esoteric and many many others. It changes sound from one cable to another. But the flow really let music flows, no change sound!

    After I read you post, I tried the FMR on the orpheus special 1 dac, I think very good for the dac too, more quiet and natural. I will try it in the cdt today and let you know. I think the FMR is a very natual and real sound power cable. I want to get another one but always no stock!. The FR also no stocks all the time.

    What ic and speaker cable you use?

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    Thank for your sharing!!!
    I used full set of SMR for ic. speaker cable is XLO ltd.MKll,speaker is B&W803D
    I must try replace the NBS blacklable to FMR for my Ayre MXR.
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    Grey studio,

    Your entire signal path is smr, I think a good idea to change the XLO to serenity reference or serenity master reference spk cable. It match B and W well. Then, your whole signal path unify with same conductor type, good for speed and linearity. The serenity reference spk cable is good enough because I cannot afford smr. PT always say sr is good enough but I always want the best if money allows, but again PT is always correct, at least my wife says so.

    Happy listening :)

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    I know how important of the speaker cable but quite satisfy the sound now, yesterday I tried Audionote sogon can't beat my XLO.
    I had tried sr jumper before, smoothly sound but resolution way below my crystal jumper.I think SMR jumper should better but it not available on the market.
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    Did you ask Mr.Li for the EE jumper? Dare to try? Only one pair in the world now.

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    studiogrey, maybe you should try the SMR spk cable. I think not worth to spend on expensive jumper. Do true bi-wire.
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    Hi, the EE jumper is too expensive but worth every penny. It it better than a whole kharma grand reference spk cable. My kharma is bi-wired by two gr spk cables. The EE jumper is used in the trebel section. Everything become transparent. A student of mine asks me was the original speaker something wrong? It sound muddy, slow and fat. I now know all the time I only listen to the mid-range. The EE spk cable I dreamt of last night. Who got the EE spk cable?
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    這裡班大哥果然冇老點,上星期六找老李買了二條FR比我對AyreMXR用。我都想玩二條FMR但冇貨之餘又冇水,唯有博一博希望條細佬夠力因我對PMC好很大食。FR一插入MXR後,整個音場可以說是一天光曬!高音好純和沒有刻意特出,定位極為立體,但我滿意的是低頻潛得好低好自然不失量感,鐘意豬仈飽大大舊低頻的朋友或會聽唔慣,但最吹漲是呀周一向有信心條蛇型大佬電源線來比試後也啞口無言,D聲真係大食夾大件毫無線條,這是口味定還是高低的分別?呀周無話說,而我就繼續享受鬆化自然富彈性的低頻,Jazz in Prawshop從末如此靜聲過。
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    Well, I think I should try the EE jumper even it is poison.
    When the FMR available again on the market???
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    Wow! EE..eeee.....jumper?!??!!!?? Is it wiser to buy a SMR cable bi wire?

    I am waiting for the FMR too!!!!
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    Marvel bro in HK has a pair of EE spk cable. He has not changed any spk cable after the EE. That means a lot.
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    Yes, I am using SMR EE speaker cable for almost 1.5 years. Before that I was using SMR. This Extreme Edition has the best energy dispersion and control over the widest possible frequency spectrum. Everything is just 'thrown' out of the speaker at the greatest ease. Whilst position of the speaker, matching with the power amp etc are vital to reproduce a perfect soundstage with ambience and tonal accuracy, the vitality of the speaker cable (usually the longest interconnect carrying the highest 'voltage' in the last but most critical signal path) should not be undermined.

    I heard the SR SE speaker cable in AE showroom many time and in fact I think they are still using them on the Eufrodite, in my view, SR SE is very very cost effective meeting the majority of my expectations. This is certainly the first, if not the last, step in making the speaker cable right.

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    剛和女朋友分了手一年,老父亦於一月頭與世長辭,現與老媽共居於大浪灣村,生活十分之簡樸,寧靜和敊寞的感覺有時分不得太清楚。老父是發燒友一名,他對大ALTEC喇叭仍放在飯聽中滿佈塵埃,飛利蒲第一部CD機正是其訊源,前後級是Audio Research較後期作品。父親臨終前一星期還在恭聽莫扎特的魔笛 - 是他最喜愛莫氏的後期作品。我也是發燒友一名,但抱歉地我和老父音響上見解格格不入,經常互罵對方不是。我用個數不盡的名器,每三個月一小變,半年內一定全套糸統面目全非,最瘋狂一個月簽爆兩張card一次過買了五條NBS Statement電源線插上Burmester訊源和Cello前後推對Cello五呎高大喇叭。。我和班朋友浩浩蕩蕩拿它們回家試線,班朋友更買了一大堆試音天碟到我家打算燒通頂!




    我仍然很想念他和她,前幾天收到她婚訊後,我忍不Cello住在五呎前痛哭,一段段從前和她一起聽張學友的片段重現於腦海,我情不自禁地拿出當天和她在188買這張頭板CD,放進了001CD後播遙遠的她.......心問這是燥音嗎? 細聽後的而且確學友的聲帶電感過多了,為何從前不覺?聽了數段後便關機了,我的淚水亦自動收乾了。

    在老父喪禮上碰到從前在旺角出生入死的發燒友,其中呀昆話剛剛買了條新電源線問我試不試,我回答冇興趣已全退燒了。呀昆和我相識十年,他希望我辦妥父事後能探望家母。昨天他一人入大浪灣和我和母親敘舊,我已好久耐冇看到母親有笑容了。呀昆始終不信我已完全退燒,他所以帶了新買的電源線來,一場來到就一同試試啦,我們把這條白色線插入001CD機,內裡卻是上次聽完的張學友,我再播遙遠的她, 當張唱到 "遙遠的她,可否借風聲跟我話,熱情若冇變那管它蒼桑變化....."時,我已兩眼通紅。 麗玲我仍很想念你。

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    Siu Wing,

    Reading your touching story, I was thinking you should have been a very lucky fellow having a dearest dad with the same hobby and a girlfriend who cared much about your spending behaviour and the future.

    Past is past and looking back won't get you anywhere. Take care of your mother and the only thing you could enlighten your family is to enlighten yourself up. Don't let the sorrow spread further, spend more time with your mom and the system that your dad has left you. I am sure you can do a lot more on both of them.

    Keep up and the worst thing is to look down upon yourself.

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