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My CD source re-ignited by Vekian



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    絕對認同你的意見, 所以我喜歡 heritage.
    關於中低頻這個問題我早就已經和 PT 討論過了.(當時還沒有 Vekian)

    Marvel 大大

    如果真的來 A/B 比較的話.
    我估計自已依然會喜歡 heritage 的高中音多 D.
    低頻方面 Vekian 會足夠 D.
    動態就 Vekain 厲害 D.

    Mr. DV

    我嘗試用 heritage 的 xlr 就是你所說的一樣.
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    Bro fat,

    I am also very much interested in Vekian but I yet to have an opportunity to listen to it. I will arrange with Marvel next time I fly back to Hong Kong.
    This morning PT urged me to see your comments on Vekian. If your observation is true, perhaps Vekian may not be a perfect match for my Petite Latour in terms of bass performance as it has only single unit for bass.
    I don't have time to discuss with PT about this. But please feel free to express your view.
    I have a much larger listening environment now. So I may not need to stick to the "Swiss sound" and explore other alternatives.

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    I am delighted about your understanding of bass. Having lived with big bass drivers from manufacturers like Westlake SM tower series and TAD, my own conclusion is "Don't like it at all". From drum manics, they are the ideal solution. Speed is a big compromise. Many still don't undersand bass is about speed. If the speed is right, the impact will be there. Chopping off some bass subsonic below is not the way to go. A full frequency speaker should be able to reproduce the ambience (air) surrounding bass notes.
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    Help required. Can anyone let me know how I can download from a PC or EMT986 to the USB input in Vekian. At the moment, I can rip CD into the Harddisk of EMT986 and playback into Vekian via a normal RCA or AES digital but I cannot get USB to USB link up between them. There must be something I have not done properly.

    Any 986/Vekian user here to share the experience and trick.

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    According to the spec of Vekian, it expects an active device like a PC (on Windows or Mac/OS) to drive the DAC and from the spec of EMT, it expects another active device on the other end to upload or download data to/from its harddisk. So neither 986 nor Vekian appear to play the role as the 'master' in an otherwise a master and slave relationship. Am I correct?

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    Have you tried connecting the Vekian to a PC via the USB port?
    For the sake of convenience, I upload most of favor onto the harddisk. My digital cable is SMR EE. I never use the USB port before.
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    天鵝皇子 (啞蘇里),

    Vekian和O1SE差得太遠了, 冇得比較. 你有大地方一定要玩盡. O1SE在大地方全頻能量都不足夠. 你個單元不算大口俓, 而且是中音加低音一齊出, 連貫性一流, 反而你對"郎格治"可能是強在中高頻, 用Vekian可補償這方面.


    我好happy, 未有時問玩USB. 我都係用SMR XLR digital, 冇打算用USB. 你部機run in成點? 個低音有冇被罩住唔出? 我睇你對號角要離場起碼三尺都能發揮Vekian signature的威力.




    小弟識少少扮代表, 見笑
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    Marvel大大, 你用high gain定係low gain?
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    BroFat, I use high gain as I thought I am using RCA output into my preamp. Are you using XLR? My Preos does not support XLR input.
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    High gain聲順滑好多, 我只可以用RCA
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    天鵝皇子, 你訂了Vekian解碼未?
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    Bro Fat,

    Please do not poison Azzuri on the Vekian, let him spend more time on vinyl which he only starts recently. PT will go to Shanghai again next week to complete the setup and by then, I am sure Azzuri will temporarily be rescued away from this Vekian tsunami.

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    Bro Fat,

    The prince of Swan lost one wing. The right channel of my Giscours suddenly play no sound. :::>__<:::

    PT eased me by saying that it is just a minor issue and master wai will be able to fix it. I am eagerly waiting for them to come next week.

    I have not yet ordered Vekian. I run out of bullet for this year. Also, as Marvel bro said, let me enjoy Shindo TT for a while first. It is not even set up at this moment...

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    天鵝盤故然要玩, 但Vekian一定要擁有. Marvel大大自己喜歡同時擁有多件靚野, 但又教你耍節制, 似乎欠缺公信力. 人身苦短, 難得湖塗. 皇子要有皇子氣派!
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    A 3 day long comparison between the Vekian siganture and the Orpheus Heritage was a very cruel exercise. Two friends from the recording industry brought in their own recorded CDs for testing. The Vekian surpasses all DACs known to us by a wide margin. Oh my God...
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