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決戰陽明之巔!Wavac 805MK-II vs 833

當今世上要數具影響力之膽機........相信Wavac絕對佔一席位!今次於蘇城主既宮殿之內,同們切磋,可謂舉世屬目!可解?...作為設計者,東瀛方面的伊騰主公亦已來電了解賽前戰情。另外數位西方高手,亦於通信中對今次一戰的內容細節有極大興趣!剛與本人在港會面,人稱〝西電無雙〞的瑞士無雙城主Peter Da Vinci亦希望盡快知道賽果,好讓他日Intonation大軍壓境,進駐Mr.DV親皇之藩地之時能作出致命一擊!
相信蘇城主已有萬全之策,但........Marvel兄卻仍於東瀛遊歷, 一家共享天倫。莫非...........Marvel兄己有必勝方法?

本週末,805MK-II vs 833驚世一戰!

JLam Music Nation


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    Marvel兄大戰前雲游仙境, 成竹在胸. 莫非MK-II的黑匣裡藏有天外飛仙的奧祕?
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    That is very funny. Maybe Marve bro is busy searching secret weapon in Japan.
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    眾所周知, Marvel大大的絕技就是EE!
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    Yes indeed I am still in Japan Have shipped back a full box of Denon PCM LPs which I think are the best 'souvenir' from Japan.

    See you all on Sat!
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    Marvel, Did u find d shop selling classical LP all in 100Yen? (even box set)
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    I am sorry to inform everyone that Marvel bro is sick after his trip from Japan. Tomorrow's match has to be rescheduled until further notice.
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    PT, 我都好想Franck來幫幫手, 但我一家大細明早去旅行. 唔緊要啦, 我冇有你地班大哥那麽認真
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    Yes, really sorry as I might have absorbed too much sunlight outdoor in the past 2 weeks and get internally overheated...could be next week. Will sort out with PT and inform you all...
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    The 805/833 comparison session is still on from 3:00pm to 6:00pm in DSo place unless typhoon No.8 is hoisted or announcement of Black Rain.
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    Did the match happen? What were the result?
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    833/805 match took place in DSo's place yesterday witnessed by PT,Jlam, PTsang, Studiogrey, Mr.DV, a new comer, Gordon and myself. It requires no further introduction that this group of activists are very experienced audiophiles with prior 'close encounter' of either 805 or 833 or both but are equally eager to know how these 2 amps from the same designer would differ in a listening area of around 18ft X 28ft (Dso, please correct me as I just use my eye measurement). I will post some photos later anyway.

    We started by disonnecting the 833 and connect the PRT1 with the 805 with all interconnects and speaker cables remain the same while using FMR power cord on the 805. Several CDs were played in sequence including symphonies, opera, piano and violin concertos. During the audition, a major fun part was not just on serious listening of the 805 but also on the blue 'plastic' pillar brought along by PT as a room tuning device. I am sure many will add on their comments on this strange pillar but my reaction to this is to get me a ' plain white one'. Without spending too much description on this 'pillar', I must emphasise it is not as user and environmental friendly as the acoustic painting that we talked about in another thread, but its effect is mulitple times of the painting to my ears. In Dso's place, putting the pillar in the open kitchen at the back of our listening area has yielded the biggest benefit and the room is much quieter even when we were chatting loudly in his place.

    Back to the 805 peroformance. Being the owner of it and listening to it for several weeks now, I can hear the same characteristics of linearity, clarity on strings, and piano. It can handle with ease on concertos and chamber music and in symphonies and opera where vocals are thrusting out extreme dynamic surge up and down, 805 appears a bit tense in the control with bass apparently 'leaner' than in my place. I attribute this partly due to the absorbing panels at the back of the two Cessaro speakers. In the case of 833, these panels should be very useful as the amount energy driven out by the 150W 833 is much higher than the 60W 805. In hindsight, if we took away the absortion panels during the audition of 805, it may help on the soundstaging and bass energy dissipation. On a comparative term, the driving power and control of 833 is more apparent than 805 freeing up much dynamics and ease on symphonies and opera. I was kind of stunned on the soundstage and the overwhelming details filling up the entire space when we listened back to 833!!

    DSo's environment was recently treated by Master Franck with a refined adjustment on all the resonators and diffusors, I can hear very clear layering and image positioning within a vividly presented soundstage by 805 where on 833, the soundstage is more grandeur with clear dimensionality. To my ears, within the context of the soundstage,I felt the spatial cue and separation depicted by 805 is clearer than 833. Another observation between 805 and 833 is the microdynamics where 833 is comparatively more 'forceful' and 'punchy' while 805 is more subtle with more contrasts. This was observed when we listened to a short cut on piano sonatas. I can feel more touchings by 805 but of course being the owner, I would tend to be 'biased' a little bit, beg your pardon!

    My intention is just to lead off the discussion rather than attempting to draw any conclusion. I believe all attended have committed to share their views openly in the forum so I better 'pause' at this point.

    Without any doubt, both Dso and myself are happy with our choices after the listening yesterday and both of us do not have a slight regret of not choosing the other one, right , DSo?

    Once again, thanks for the hospitality and I know I have created a mess in DSo' s place in storming him with 4 chasis of 805, SRAs, cables, etc.


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    Me started setting up the 805
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    805 ready to sing!
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    This is the diffusion 'pillar'
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    833 back in action in its 'hosting court' bursting out flying colors!
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