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AE Annual Dinner



  • I hope all of you had a good time last evening. It is such a great fun when different school of thought is put under one roof. This is a very high quality group. I have to say I don't understand some of the discussions on tubes but it is real fun just being a listener.
  • Some of the pics taken last night. Shanghai bigpiece had a big smile after being a father and decided to go full Wavac from phono all the way to the amp.
  • Mr.Zanden is eagerly awaiting for his custom amp project - 211 push pull mono block from Yamada san. He was sharing his horn experiences with everyone.
  • MatthewC sharing his view on Audionote UK and Kondo......
  • Once again, thank you everyone for participating last night. Afterwards, Studiogrey, Mr.Zanden, Azzuri, PianoTuner, and PTsang all went to ccn's place to audition the Da Vinci system driving the Tango speakers. As soon as we arrived around 11:00pm, I was so eager to change speaker position. I believe everyone of us helped ccn to improve his system quite substantially last night. The speaker cable has to go, however. This is a verdict concluded from 3 persons. ccn, I will come back soon!

    This is indeed a very high quality group of people.
  • Last but not least is our Marvel bro is under peer pressure to change amp soon. He looks a little bit confused and eager for this to occur sooner. I guess it is the latter. Before that, the Tidal Preos Reference will likely land at his place sooner. This Tidal Preos Reference phono amp is the single most product that impresses me the most. Shanghai bigpiece, after auditioned it a few days ago told PT he was poisoned and immediately understand why Marvel took a few moment to decide without his eye blinking... For vinyl lover, there are no excuses not to have this phono amp.
  • For sure we have lot of fun last night, the Abalone & the fish was "yummy".
    And special thanks for all VIP come visit my poor tiny space & the precious advance. Hope you guys did find some enjoyment & potential on DV & Tango, let see what else the Driver could do in future. Look forward to see you guys soon!!!

  • 看到大家好happy下
    最衰我不能參與 未能與查兄,grey兄等真人會面
    ccn兄, 你對Tango掂個個都知
    我以前也用過V喇叭線, 它比較夾聲溫較暗, 節奏緩慢的揚聲器好似我從前的SF Amati第一代, 尤於佢中高音太響亮, 冇理由中高能量還要多過中低音或以下, 我睇你對喇叭有三個低音單元可能會更突顯條喇叭線的不平行
  • 甘遠都知, 天眼通乎? 不過重有單"責"住咗! 再開單, 會有大隻佬嚟同我傾計!
  • Charles,

    If you have free time, I hope you can bring your SR speaker cable to test in ccn system. Then, everything will become normal. Mr.Zanden, PTsang and myself the current spk cable is a major barrier/problem prevents his current system from performing correctly. The essences are all there but fundamental problem requires fundamental solution. Even we helped him to change speaker positions, there will be goods and bads because of presence of an imbalanced spk cable. We have to take it out asap.

  • J is right abt that spk cable. I fed them with the bloody swiss candy amp 2 years ago with sensational climax for a short. It is very speedy on high notes. It sounds glassy after more lengthy listening session. All bass tails were cut short. System with bloomy bass loves it. Even system without bloomy bass will be carried away by her speedy nature. The tonality is definitely skewed towards the upper high. In a truly balance system, it's hard for the vahaha to be fit in.

    Don't hit my head, just purely sharing of experience.
  • 唔! 你地啲耳仔好高db吓喎! 我認同嘩哈拿是唔Balance, 飛走佢, 換條白雪公主是遲早的事! 依家真是睇恒指做人唷!

    Jlam, 最好班條EE嚟玩幾日先n.n
  • ccn兄, 音響本來就是殘忍的玩意, 問題在於不知什麼為之標準. 這個標準又會隨著年歲和朋友影響而改變, 冇標準就不停試換器材, 銀彈足夠一樣是樂趣.

    但我現在我明白自已的路, 換野只為玩好現有資源. ccn兄耳力獨到, 應換則換(好似Marvel大大也終冇法忍受坦克車推他的號角, 最終也要轉換8085mark 2, mark1或mark2不是重點, 最起碼要解決錯配基本問題, 買mark2只是質數上的要求).

    ccn, 我諗你的DV推動級到後, 條華哈哈的問題會更明顯, 換埋條喇叭線後我唸你應離你的烏挓邦不遠矣.


  • Talking about the limited amp during the dinner, I think PTsang mentioned AT20 is being used....... Is it this one?
  • Matt, I haven't seen a real AT20, the pair in the picture looks like 40's PX25 except PX25 has pear shaped glass, I think the manufacturing period of AT20 is pretty short(late 30's to early 40's) because it has a 6V filament, very unusual for direct-heated triode those days. Anyway, either the AT20 or the PX25, even PX4 are extremely good sounding tubes, they are the British counterpart of the WE300B,you don't easily get a pair of 40's 300B, all AT20 are made in that period, so you know what you'll get.
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