AE Annual Dinner
Dear AE fellows,
I would like to host a Chinese New Year Dinner for everyone on Feb 15th. Restaurant yet to be determined. I would like to see if most of you are available on Feb 15 evening as I understand it is not easy to gather everyone.
Please contact PT or drop message in this thread.
Mr.Zanden, Studiogrey, Marvel, Charles, MatthewC, Dso, Julian, Fat Gor, Azzuri, Butcher, ccn, Alecy, Shanghai Bigpiece, Small Potatoes, PTsang, hope to see all of you in one table. If miss your name, don't hit my head, contact PT.
I would like to host a Chinese New Year Dinner for everyone on Feb 15th. Restaurant yet to be determined. I would like to see if most of you are available on Feb 15 evening as I understand it is not easy to gather everyone.
Please contact PT or drop message in this thread.
Mr.Zanden, Studiogrey, Marvel, Charles, MatthewC, Dso, Julian, Fat Gor, Azzuri, Butcher, ccn, Alecy, Shanghai Bigpiece, Small Potatoes, PTsang, hope to see all of you in one table. If miss your name, don't hit my head, contact PT.
祝各位新年, 身體健康, 生意興隆, 財源廣進, 機如輪轉, 精益求精, 更上一層樓!
See u on Fri.
Tomorrow after, DSo and Charles go visit Marvel's Cessaro driven by Wavac EC300B. Are you interested to join?
海德中心3/F (盧押道口)
1. JLam
2. PT
3. Mr.Zanden
4. Marvel
5. Charles
6. Shanghai Bigpiece
7. PTsang
8. MatthewC
9. Studiogrey
10. ccn
11. Azzuri
12. Butcher
13. DSo
1. 鮮鮑魚拼盆
2. 蘭度炒蚌片帶子
3. 旁燒安格斯牛柳
4. 上湯焗澳州龍蝦皇
5. 拆鮮螚肉燴大生翅
6. 清蒸東星班
7. 滿庭芝麻鹽焗雞
8. 龍瑕湯米線
9. 灌湯小籠包
10. 蛋白杏仁茶
11. 滿庭桂花糕/脆香胺果酥
12. 生果拼盆
我知係重頭大作, 是設計師多年的心願
See u come back!
最新限量功放? Whats that???