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Wavac 833 Party this Sunday?



  • Studiogrey,

    If you are considering change of Hi Fi rack, I'd recommend you to get the craze rack, once and for all. The price of one wide craze rack is not too much more than the sum of two racks from the current fashion, especially when the level of technicality and human labor put into it. Talk to c.c.n, talk to PT.

    The real trouble is the waiting time at least 2.5 months to 3 months to build from scratch based on your own measurements. I don't openly recommend something if it is just ordinarily good. That is not good enough for me, it must be damn good. If you choose 833 as your amplification partner, you must be qualified as craze audiophile.

    The Ohio XL+2 for your 833 should leave the US next Friday (tentatively). You should definitely get them within this month.

  • Jlam,

    Why don't you ask Studiogrey to check with me as well since I am an existing Craze user while c.c.n and PT are users-to-be. (just joking).

    Studiogrey, one of the experience that I always have in buying products from AE is that it is always better to make the timing right or otherwise you will either need to wait a much longer time or have to pay more due to currency (as Euro is always on the upward trend in the recent years). So far, I only regret not taking the recommendations earlier but of course there are personal constraints ($) on my side which hinder my decision process.

    With a full house of Wavac top notch amplifications, they really deserve the best parking slot to show their true color.

  • Marvel, the first Craz Rack user in town, thanks for your previous comment! it does help a lot!
  • JLam, I'm not doubt the ultimate performance of the crazy rack but I had order a wooden rack already. after the 833, I have save money again so can't afford this dream rack.
  • The King - 833!!!

    My 2nd visit the Kharma Midi last night, i belived the bass had been fully control, I and Studiogrey hing could heard the bass come out layer by layer now. And the much bigger soundstage. Now i know why PT told me the Violin play under Wavac will be very beautiful. We cannot stop playing our favourite CD each by each. Thanks!
  • CCN hing, after you back to home, I maximum the output volume of 833, the dynamic and soundstage much better but the same problem happen when play SACD, the noise of high frequency still there, Now I can do is turn down the output 12/30 when play the SACD. except the problem, 833 with SRA is perfect.
    Is any bro used wavac 805 with SACD has same problem?
  • studiogrey, I envy your ownership of 833. I use 805 and love them. I had the emm lab sacd combo for 6 months, the high frquency noise of sacd is annoying. In the end i dropped sacd, and go into lp. the sacd comes from lp recording.
  • 事情如下:
    暫時來講, 在AE購買器材已一段時間, 自己要做一个排行表, 有錯直言即可:
    1.SRA版, 無嘢講, 對任何組合均是正面影響
    2.wavac PR-T1, 相對石机(vitus, 石前可勝它的, 好少!)來說, 最細節會差一点点, 但音樂感大勝.
    3.argento SMR, 論速度, 分離度, 高低頻伸展度等hifi factor, 不是最好, 但一用上, 叫我抽出又不可能, 用SMR, 樂器及人聲有一種focus, 又有一種彈性.
    4.wavac 833 v1.3, 如可修正play SACD的問題, 它是第一等. 煲熟之後再將output volume 全開, 有一種人性的感覺係未從在其它器材上感到. 越大場面, 越想大聲啲. 全部不論人聲/樂器均有一種彈力, 鮮活度一流. 我係昨日先感受到.
    5.flow PC, 好流暢但欠缺一種彈性/力感, 只合用細watt數的器材, 入source一流,pre/power 就差一啲.
  • Grey兄大大

    你套器材全是極品級數,真係羨慕死人!你所講的 "越大場面, 越想大聲啲. 全部不論人聲/樂器均有一種彈力" 反映你對833功放的驅動力和控制力是極級水平,好少功放能夠做到收放自然。





  • 發哥,其實有関SACD的問題,我反覺得應該是線路問題,加上其他805用家也有同樣情况,我更加確定.

    因SACD所多出 Frequency range 由30KHz 到 100KHz,應是人耳不可聞的頻譜,不應是可聞的”絲絲沙沙”. 其實 Ito San 應該睇下線路上可否改進才為上策. 因為output全開同半開,真係差好多.
    Matthew_C兄用P/D-03 推Audionote,有否同情况?
  • Did u try other SACD media beside "E". Try call dealer if there any problem on the lazer head.
  • Studiogrey,

    I didn't have any problem w/ my SACD setup (p/d-03, KSL-M7, Ongaku , Kharma Exq. Mini). As a matter of fact, when playing SACD, especially for string instruments, I have a feeling of unlimitied bandwidth through my Kharma (when dual SMR SE are used).

    Sometime, I wonder if people's comment about SACD's issue w/ high frequency is related to the tweeter/crossover design they have (i.e. out of band signal if the cross over doesn't attenuate signal above 20KHz where the tweeter can't handle the fequency). But not having heard those setups, I don't really know.

    And just to throw a curve ball... from one of the discussions I have read about another speaker's high-frequency issue, it turns out that it's not the tweeter or high-frequence per se. It's the too-gradual roll-off of the crossover of the mid-range where the mid-range driver was ringing due to the very high frequency being feed to the speakers.
  • Ah, Studiogrey, but you are still using the Kharma Midi right? So bandwidth of your speaker should be no issue. Assuming your P/D03 setup is normal, I will definitely be suspecious of the amp......
  • ccn hing, I tried Denon 2930 DVD player at SACD source, it has same nosie.
  • studiogrey hing, I believe it is the GAIN issue. Your amp has very big input gain stage. Reduce the gain on the amp input, and increase the gain on the preamp.
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