NO problem on the Vitus. Just a friend's hope to match with the power amp.
PR-T1, don't waste time as once you got the 2nd brother in the family, your question would be what would its flagship sounds like, if the price difference is manageable, better go for Pr-t1, I was also close to buy one a few months ago but diverted to buy the phono in view of my quest for more learning opportunity on LP.
Shanghai Bigpiece, over...over....if you read this by chance, please also don't waste time for the same argument above. Your system actually deserves an even more crazy preamp but in terms of matching, I find PR-T1 the best.
Can you 'subjectively' put a % difference in terms of sonical performance between the picture (including the resonators/diffusors as the acoustics devices) and your very first system: Linn CD, Vitus, JF, Linn Speaker?
the balance version?
what brand of the 805 tube? RCA?
NO problem on the Vitus. Just a friend's hope to match with the power amp.
PR-T1, don't waste time as once you got the 2nd brother in the family, your question would be what would its flagship sounds like, if the price difference is manageable, better go for Pr-t1, I was also close to buy one a few months ago but diverted to buy the phono in view of my quest for more learning opportunity on LP.
Shanghai Bigpiece, over...over....if you read this by chance, please also don't waste time for the same argument above. Your system actually deserves an even more crazy preamp but in terms of matching, I find PR-T1 the best.
Can you 'subjectively' put a % difference in terms of sonical performance between the picture (including the resonators/diffusors as the acoustics devices) and your very first system: Linn CD, Vitus, JF, Linn Speaker?
我部係 RCA 的
這是我的第一部 tube amp.
我對 tube amp 的知識有限, 講錯請各位糾正.
我總以為 tube amp 都是慢吞吞,厚聲和冇力. 今日完全改觀了, 這部 wavac 的 poweramp 快速, 清晰明亮和力量強勁,
我換 power amp 係因為部 Roland 312 的 damping factor 太高.
Linn speaker 和 大 horning 的低音都被 damp 死咗出唔到應有的低頻呀.
當我用部 805 推大 horning 時聽 陽春白雪的第一首曲時被它的大鼓打死的.
個大horning speaker 真的厲害它的樂器還完很真實, 能量充沛, 聽古典時簡直置身其中.
部 805 跟 大horning 的配合暫時都很好但未算最好.
擺位和acoustics 都須要下點功夫.
Your 805s are fresh out of box. Takes more time to run in. After getting PRT1, I am sure you will be in music heaven. Enjoy.
我都知道部 805 並未 run in 但以經令我很驚喜.