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Horning Eufrodite Ultimate Signature driven by Wavac 805



  • PR-T1. It won't justify your investment on any one of your other components in your system without this preamp, period, fullstop.
  • Marvel bro, calm down. On the same token, your front end components ain't showing true color without changing your speaker to high efficiency camp, period, fullstop.

    But the big brother is correct, shanghai dude, don't waste time on 2nd tier gadgets when you know the Pr-t1 is the one to defeat your audio desire.
  • Well, I would love to. Thats a dilemma, limited resources but unlimited desire.....

    Luckily, I got a pair of unused 1945 United 805s, I dont know how they are compared with the RCA, but they are damn good even just plugged into the Golden babies. I cant stop tapping my toe now while listening to Lang Lang Beethoven Concertos Nos 1& 4. My audio desire is satisfied for now, at least tonight.....
  • Voy,

    You are right...Upgrading the speaker will be my plan for 2008. I want to listen to Cessaro a few more times as my impression with Eufrodite has been built up by listening to it many times in many different setups in AE showroom. Comparatively I have listened to Cessaro once.

  • Marvel bro, your words from the last message obviously sidetracked your own words posted a week ago. Let me remind you:

    "Realising the positioning and matching with my power amp should not be an issue, I think there is no obstacle for me to go ahead. When my pocket is ready, all brothers here will be celebrating together me in using this marvelous piece. Mr. Zanden and Yamada san gave their endorsement on this speaker as well. So Marvel has no excuse."

    Is this some kind of face party? Shot a few photos to appease the designers but your heart is in fact stolen by the Horning? I'm thrilled cos I am a Horning/Tron lover too. We sure got similar taste but I wouldn't reverse course openly. Not a good gesture. Whether Mr.Zanden, Yamada san, the cessaro guy or whoever endorses this and that is just a face party. Should I trust words of theirs, or yours?

  • Voy,

    Mr Zanden, Yamada San, Ralph of Cessaro are all veterans and I respect their recommendations and views. Likewise, yours, PT's and many others' are all taken seriously. Upgrading the speaker in 2008 is a definite path for me. At this moment, with all fact in the table, it is more likely that I will go for Cessaro than Eufrodite. I pointed out above that I have more listening experience with Eufro than Cessaro which is also a piece of fact that I should table. So far, my instinct only goes with PT, if he says this is good, I won't argue and buy when money is ready. Listening is secondary as I trust PT's ears more.

    Plesae do not get me wrong that this is whatever a face party, absolutely not and this downplay my candid conversations with Ralph and Yamada san when they were at my home a few weeks ago.

  • Thanks for the clarifications.
  • 擁有號角喇叭同時也可以欣賞康寧
    連設計師都去了Marvel大大處度位, 你估運吉咩?什麼比面派對?

  • I believe Marvel bro is a credible man. Even without the photo taken with the cessaro designer, everyone knows he will have one, just a matter of time.
  • Philip,

    You are quite right. Before the visit of the masters, I have listened to Cessaro once in AE's showroom and the idea of having smaller one was discussed and discussed many times with PT. This partially triggered a personal visit by Ralph to really assess my place (and notably my system). In my discussion with Ralph, he mentioned that the size of the Cessaro has been meticulously and scientifically calculated that making a smaller one just because of the market need may involve much bigger research funding and it is not cost effective for me, as a consumer, to just order one special and smaller version but paying more money due to the research and design cost. I guess if there are more pre-orders of a smaller verison, the cost may come down a bit. After the visit, my false hoping for a smaller version has almost gone away and focus turned back to the 'standard size'.

    I have made the order for a delivery sometime in 2008.

  • Ahem.

    So I was right :-)

    Marvel hing, a horn without horn coloration is a cut above.


    BTW, maybe you should special order one w/ external crossover. So when you go totally nuts, you can go electronic crossover and bi-amp/tri-amp the cessaro. Maybe a 1.5 watter for the tweeter, 2A3 for the mid and 300B push-pull for the woofer or something crazy :-)
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