I and my husband were both shocked by the Leslie Cheung recording as though he was alive. It brought me up memories of attending his concert many moons ago.
This charity act of yours helping the people with food is a commendable act. My family is very willing to donate for such a clause.
I couldn’t sleep after experiencing Leslie Cheung singing 拒絕再玩、無心睡眠、共同渡過 at AE Sheung Wan. This is 5:00am. The emotional experience had been still resonating in my heart. This is like a demonstration of audiophile recording. I didn’t know the recording quality of these canton pop is so so so high. My wife felt as though she could embrace him. His 風彩 is still 風華絕代 through the playback quality of your system. This charity act of AE could be made into a much bigger event should government relax restrictions. I was blown away spiritually.
Speechless playback of many singers that grew up with us. This system displays the character of Leslie Cheung, everything about him..... my biggest shock in my entire audio journey was today. This is not about audiophile recording or so, this is about someone that I know well in my youth and followed him until he committed suicide on April 1st.....
Speechlessly emotional experience of the highest end.
I couldn’t sleep after experiencing Leslie Cheung singing 拒絕再玩、無心睡眠、共同渡過 at AE Sheung Wan. This is 5:00am. The emotional experience had been still resonating in my heart. This is like a demonstration of audiophile recording. I didn’t know the recording quality of these canton pop is so so so high. My wife felt as though she could embrace him. His 風彩 is still 風華絕代 through the playback quality of your system. This charity act of AE could be made into a much bigger event should government relax restrictions. I was blown away spiritually.
Speechlessly emotional experience of the highest end.
許冠傑: 1. 浪子心聲, 2. 難忘了
林子祥: 1. 活色生香, 2. 邁步向前
張國榮:1. 拒絕再玩 2. 無心睡眠 3. 共同渡過
Plus encore of 3 songs.
关於你的問題,AE的放大及擬器材当然功不可沒,这是不爭的事實,但我覺得还有几個是达致AE上環的Lp playback 效果的主要关鍵。
首先,pt完全掌握了廣東歌的特点,和怎樣播得动听的技巧,便是提升糸统重播的節奏感!有了好的節奏感,整首歌便有了生命!那就是線材的配搭,轉用vertere HB speaker cable ,利用这線材的特性,充份把Firebird speaker 的谮能發揮極致,火乌化成鳳凰,所以听張国荣的快歌便有脱胎换骨的感覺。
其次,FMR phono ground cable 绝对是另一件神器,沒有了它,張国荣的歌声和樂隊的分隔度立刻缩短,有点兒混在一起,现埸感大降!很明显这條phono專用的ground cable 是非常有效把干擾重播及最dirty的turntable noise導走,令整個音樂畫面重現光明,即使在高音壓(大约3点种)聆聽,亦完全沒有吵耳及失真出現!
順帶一提,我去之前坊間都說御品的器材非常離地,但我覺得他家的器材絕對是性價比高,價錢亦沒想像中貴。 近來歐羅下跌,他的器材也相對便宜了,大家有興趣的可以去入手。