Napolean 昨天我們聽到你跟梁生嘅deal, 感到又妒忌又羨慕,因為能一次過把pt home system 移師回家,又有幾多人做到先?但同時,又感驚訝萬分,因為PT竟敢承諾客人不認同效果就不收尾數的合約,簡直開左高端音響界之先河,前無古人就梗,後來無來者則有待觀察。不過,梁生敢制,肯定左佢對自己產品真的信心爆棚,否則幾球deal 點會有呢D條款
就係因為呢個條款,更加切強左我對pt home system 的期待及好奇,究竟有幾咁巴閉可以瞬間把一個對音響界本來極度仇視,兼且不信任的拿破侖,又重新征服,乖乖放低幾球買音響?實在令人費解
To summarize , Napoleon went to visit PT on last thu and listened to the system playing a variety of music including Mahler 5 and Chinese opera latter of which was not endorsed by Napoleon's mom when being played in his own system. Napoleon went with a skepticism that PT and his system are bluffing like many other practitioners in this industry.
After the audition, he was deeply impressed and wrote a cheque of HKD 1 mill to commission PT to replicate exactly the same system in his place with a condition that he won't settle the outstanding balance if he is not satisfied.
Thereafter, Albert, Huber and master Chik also went to listen. I believe they are all convinced. Master Chik also helped to improve the balance between the 2 speakers to achieve an even better performance. Icing on an already very delicious cake I believe.
Arthur Market of Arya Audio told me the weight limit of 120kg was indicative to play safe, as the products were newly launched. Subsequently he tested them underneath a 165kg Raidho speakers with fantastic results.
I consulted him before I apply them underneath the 180kg Gobel Epogue Reference yesterday.
The ReVopods underneath the Goebel speakers raise the resolution and image stability of the 2nd, 3rd...... and so on layers of the choir singing Beethoven Symphony Number 9 obviously.
I recommend you to come over to experience. I have invited many. Saturday bookings until late March. Week days are ad hoc and open.
他聽完貝九後説:「音埸呈扇形狀,左至中完全離箱,可是右邊的發展未夠,男中音企的位置,相對男低音高了些少,我建議右邊減少toe in,拉濶一寸。」其實我那一刻非常之開心,因為他出手的原因是:(1)他肯定這系統的水平,所以精益求精!(2)他知道我接受建議和批評。然後他親自移喇叭位,一寸向右移後,再聽貝九。然後他説,「還差少少,再推後右喇叭少少。」Azzurri,Huber,和我一同耳歷了他的兩個action。貝九的臨埸感,震撼之後,還有感動,然後又再震撼。
直師傅鑑聽了馬五交響曲終章兩次!因為佢想聽一個項羽,和一對項羽的分別。14分鐘之後,又是另外14分鐘,但大家冇覺得悶。最後,他説:「真的很大很大場面,最難出的氣氛也能出現,超低頻所帶出的壓力非常之利害,全隊樂團的能量真係穿了所有天花和後牆。這兩年你從很多頂尖牌子及設計師身上得到很多經驗及知識,非一般人能及, 連帶我也學了不少新知識, 現在你能將這套器材在一個不太大地方表現出的音場 、氣氛 、壓迫力,十分超卓。期待下一次聽,你能再創高峰。」
昨天我們聽到你跟梁生嘅deal, 感到又妒忌又羨慕,因為能一次過把pt home system 移師回家,又有幾多人做到先?但同時,又感驚訝萬分,因為PT竟敢承諾客人不認同效果就不收尾數的合約,簡直開左高端音響界之先河,前無古人就梗,後來無來者則有待觀察。不過,梁生敢制,肯定左佢對自己產品真的信心爆棚,否則幾球deal 點會有呢D條款
就係因為呢個條款,更加切強左我對pt home system 的期待及好奇,究竟有幾咁巴閉可以瞬間把一個對音響界本來極度仇視,兼且不信任的拿破侖,又重新征服,乖乖放低幾球買音響?實在令人費解
昨天一進pt家,只有我最早到,事不宜遲,即聽馬5終章,接下來,Albert 及植公陸續到達,之後的細節不再重複,因pt 在之前post已細述,反而我想分享一下其他的想法
正如植公所説,pt home system 其實可聽過世,尤其是古典音樂的重播,是把音樂廳的氣氛完全重現,基本上可省回不少去concert hall 聽live 的費用,但當然live performance 又是另一樣境界,但真的好接近,尤其是貝九,是我對古典音樂重播重新的體驗!
不過,這系統重播我所喜愛的粤曲我則有所保留,吾係難聽或刺耳,而係冇左在神曲工作室帶給我臨埸氣氛的體驗!始終要一套系統全能,是不太現實,只有神曲工作室是最接近這全能的要求!據pt所講,係因為主喇叭speaker Structure 引致,因家中speaker 全音域單元負責範圍太廣(180hz to 31,000hz),而且低音單元口徑較太細,所以播粤曲時,比起其他喇叭的中頻能量較少。
期待聽到拿破侖兄收貨的結果!pt 能源否收到尾數呢?
同意Mr Zanden 嘅睇法,音響好聲與否,係應該有標準的,只是大部人因個人口味、監聽能力嘅分別,將講法改為鹹魚青菜各有所愛,現在睇到嘅大部份名牌,都係舊酒新瓶,不願投放資金研發新產品,只着重網上討論區效應而大賣,再有一群追隨者承托二手市場,有趣!
To summarize ,
Napoleon went to visit PT on last thu and listened to the system playing a variety of music including Mahler 5 and Chinese opera latter of which was not endorsed by Napoleon's mom when being played in his own system. Napoleon went with a skepticism that PT and his system are bluffing like many other practitioners in this industry.
After the audition, he was deeply impressed and wrote a cheque of HKD 1 mill to commission PT to replicate exactly the same system in his place with a condition that he won't settle the outstanding balance if he is not satisfied.
Thereafter, Albert, Huber and master Chik also went to listen. I believe they are all convinced. Master Chik also helped to improve the balance between the 2 speakers to achieve an even better performance. Icing on an already very delicious cake I believe.
When will you next visit hk, perhaps you should pay a visit and share some feedback like uncle Ray.
How many ReVopod did you use ?
Would it be possible overload the ReVopod as the Weight limit: 120kg per set of 4 ?