Yesterday Chris asked me to try this feet under Wadax, when the first note comes out I know it’s a no brainer. Every Wadax owner should have one set otherwise you should be put in jail period.
What a jail call! I talked with Arthur during the show. He is not really from the audiophile industry which is good. He is researcher at the Institute of Sound and Vibrarion Control lab in the U.K. doing serious industrial research on vibration control.
A set under the Wadax Transport as PT claimed during the show transformed it to another level. When PT started playing the CD of 迪克與牛仔 singing 有多少愛可以重來?I was shocked by the depth of his voice. That song really touched everyone. The lingering of harmonic notes dying in the space is vividly revealed as time is freezed in motion. I had this same feeling after adding them underneath mine today.
I think a good analogy would be upgrading from simplicity 2 arm to the statement arm, I own neither of them but I’ve heard both. The image and soundstage is solid as rock after putting those bad boy feet on.
As a proud owner of the Atlantis, I am quite happy to report the same too. The Revopods provide a deeper soundstage in my setup, it's definitely a nice addition to my system and the price of a set doesn't break the bank either
I also experiment a bit with my equipment setup. I once placed/stacked the DAC with the Revopods onto the power supply, the result was not as good. The sound quality is maximized if I place the DAC as a stand alone equipment on the Artesania Krion platform, as in the photo above.
What a jail call! I talked with Arthur during the show. He is not really from the audiophile industry which is good. He is researcher at the Institute of Sound and Vibrarion Control lab in the U.K. doing serious industrial research on vibration control.
A set under the Wadax Transport as PT claimed during the show transformed it to another level. When PT started playing the CD of 迪克與牛仔 singing 有多少愛可以重來?I was shocked by the depth of his voice. That song really touched everyone. The lingering of harmonic notes dying in the space is vividly revealed as time is freezed in motion. I had this same feeling after adding them underneath mine today.
I think a good analogy would be upgrading from simplicity 2 arm to the statement arm, I own neither of them but I’ve heard both. The image and soundstage is solid as rock after putting those bad boy feet on.
I also experiment a bit with my equipment setup. I once placed/stacked the DAC with the Revopods onto the power supply, the result was not as good. The sound quality is maximized if I place the DAC as a stand alone equipment on the Artesania Krion platform, as in the photo above.