Robert Leslie of Robert Koda is mightily impressed by the Wadax Atlantis system testing music from his own hard drive yesterday. He actually said it three times to me yesterday.
On last Sat, I was utterly stunned when listening to Atlantis server playing the Audiotechnique 2014 SACD Track 4 Spanish Harlem. This song was sung by Rebecca Pidgeon and is used as a reference recording by many audiophiles thus needs no introduction.
There is a rhythmic 'cha cha' sound on the mid to right background starting from the middle of the song which I need help from fellow comrades here to tell me what musical instrument produces this. The 'cha cha' sound, be it from LP, CD and previous computer audio replay, I can hear at most the slightest variations on the tempo and energy applied to produce this rhythmic keynotes. It is the first time I can hear the air surrounding that particular instrument and the keynotes were traversing thru that albeit very tiny and short passage. This is an incredible experience to me to be able to hear this putting me seemingly in the studio next to Rebecca and her band!
聞說你也已經安裝了Atlantis server. 我和一眾友人過去兩天深入比較了Javier的作品和SGM server。我們的結論是一致性的。Atlantis server的低頻能夠深潛許多,音場包圍三維空間,和音色的基理也是明顯拋離對手,能量的解放比我的感覺是可控和極之為有質,和JMF3.7的能量釋放在16/44 format是等同,在高解析度的format,Atlantis的能量動態對比令我眾感到驚訝。AE應該推這本server出更廣的市場,因為冇任何對手。
機身淨重32kg, 即差不多70磅。追問Javier之後才明白為什麼 - 原因是power supply 的設計是要把機內的AC impedance 和 街外入屋的AC impedance 等同化 (equalize),因為等同化之後,server內的AC noise就能以極速離開主體。由於街外的AC impedance不停變化,所以Server內的power transformer要假設最極端情況,而造了兩隻極大的牛,導致主機重量激增。
一定要用上Dalby地線, 進步再明顯提升
對於WADAX SERVER, 大家聽感都差不多, 我問JAVIER的問題都系為何低頻下潛及音場的能量感這麼超乎想像, 加了DALBY GROUND CABLE外, 線條及質感進一步提升, 音樂系迎面扑來.
低頻下潛及音場能量在我對乾隆音箱的體會是十分明顯的, 十分震撼, WADAX ATLANTICS DAC本來是充滿音樂感的產品, 就好像西班牙的鬥牛, 需要更狂野的能量來反映它的性格, WADAX SERVER用上兩隻狂牛, 配上WADAX ATLANTICS DAC, 就是JAVIER呈現的西班牙個性了.
AE 最近多了兩個TRANSPORT, 一個JMF 3.7, 一個系WADAX SERVER, 贊歎聲不絕, 其實真正懂玩之人系PT, 否則, 何來產品.
乾隆音箱用上了18" field coil低音,速度和量感也非同凡響。我對電腦server的認知不深,聞PT常說你是這方面的權威,所以你的言論十分重要。從未有聽過電腦server換了後,低音能夠深潛更多的評語,但你的音箱用了超大單元,所以測試得更徹底。
his own hard drive yesterday. He actually said it three times to me yesterday.
There is a rhythmic 'cha cha' sound on the mid to right background starting from the middle of the song which I need help from fellow comrades here to tell me what musical instrument produces this. The 'cha cha' sound, be it from LP, CD and previous computer audio replay, I can hear at most the slightest variations on the tempo and energy applied to produce this rhythmic keynotes. It is the first time I can hear the air surrounding that particular instrument and the keynotes were traversing thru that albeit very tiny and short passage. This is an incredible experience to me to be able to hear this putting me seemingly in the studio next to Rebecca and her band!