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wavac audio pre-M



  • 嘩!這部黃金俠前級是堅野!我未夠班玩呢個級數的器材,但也認同Avalon喇叭要夾膽。我好鍾意對AYRE MXR,現用了兩條FLOW在佢地身上,十分之Happy,冇投訴。看完Mr.Zanden用FLOW在他幾球野的Zanden系統,更激發我想FLOW起全套系統。你用那條線餵黃金俠?
  • Hi! Studiogrey! I am happy to meet a Wavac user in this forum. I find the PR-T1 very match excellent with FR. You can try. I think wavac amplifier will not escape for you soon. Wavac's biggest strength is amplifier. The 805 will drive your Avalon speaker to the limit.
  • Mr. Wavac/發哥:

    I have a extra FMR on hand and plan to sell or trade in a FR soon.
    Now is using the BMI.
  • Studiogrey, I just tried using FMR on the Wavac PR-T1. It is even much better than the FR. There is more control, more bass, more transparency. Try and let us know. We share experience with each other.
  • Mr.Wavac,I'm still not change the power cord becasue tonight I listen other 2 hours of music, I'm not time to do it.
    What a magical gear!!!
    before I changed the gear, I concerned what different of the hifi effect or any detail can dig out. Tonight I just enjoy the music.
  • 我知部黃金俠係堅野,但可惜我玩不起。三件頭製作的膽前第一次見,從相看金工十分之唔錯,搞到我流灑口水。
  • Studiogrey, your preamp is famous. If you go to the link below (the last one on the page), you will see the owner of Gryhpon flagship speaker in Russia also uses PR-T1 and the HE833 mono amplifier. In the picture, he also uses wavac LCX2 phonostage, I think ordered by Marvel bro mentioned somewhere in the forum.
  • Marvel, when your wavac phono arrive? I'd like to share some experience with you. This phono has 38db gain. I want to get a wavac passive preamp. What is your opinion? I use the MD300B mono block amplifiers, 10/w each channel.
  • Philip,

    I was total my phono will be shipped out fairly soon. I am waiting desperately to compare it with my Syren built in phono. Does Wavac have a passive preamp?? I really don't know. If I were you, I would consider the DV passive preamp as I have heard it many times and I think the transformer design for a passive preamp has helped big time on the sustainment of dynamics and I have proven this point earlier by acquiring a Music First All-Silver passive preamp (the one reviewed in 252 edition of the HiFiReview. I believe DV passive transformer preamp is at least the same level, if not better, performance. I have not heard the Wavac one though.

    Are you using Wavac phono by the way? Have you tried other SS type phono?

  • Marvel,

    The wavac phono in my system for 2 months. I used FM 222mk 2 perviously. Other than difference between tube and solid state, I think wavac is a better preamp than the FM for obvious reasons. The sound is natural and grain free, transparent but high density, excellent bass control. The 222 is a good solid state phono but it cannot get to the musicality that I am looking for from the wavac. There are many supporters of FM out there, so I am convenient to say more but it is good phono but my family including my wife prefers the wavac to Fm. The choice is easy.

    I plan to get wavac ATT-S passive preamp, it is like a tiny PR-T1, I like the cute look.

    The da vinci features on 6moon is scary. I have no chance to audition yet because I station in China.

    You will be very contended and happy with the wavac phono. I heard there is further improvement on the LCR circuit. Also, with this phono, you'd understand the legend of Nobu san more, consider to be the Poet of Tubes. He is the one who invents the LCR circuit.

    Happy listening. Your Horning is an excellent speaker. Mine will deliver after summer. I may need to change wavac 300b mono to 805 to control the isobraic drivers.
  • Which catridge to use with your Wavac phono? There are 3 choices. Remember choose the correct one closest to the impedance of your cartridge. I have no experience of tron. I am sure you will love the wavac.
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