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EMT 986 Arrived



  • MatthewC, go with the UK dac then.
  • MatthewC, go with your mind and heart...I know you have skepticism on Vekian and this will not add any joy and relaxation to you when you listen to it...I think it is more a pschological consequence that you would end up always trying to find its shortcoming and eventually go back to the route that you think is right. I have gone through this in the past. So if you believe the UK dac is good (which is indeed very good), you should go for it and with the USB board upgraded so that in some time later, we can have a back-to-back comparison on not just CD source but also the datastream from the harddrive. Isn't it exciting...go go go....

  • Marvel Dai Lo,

    Maybe you haven't noticed, the UK stack is very expensive :-) And it's a digital product.... My heart may say go, but my wallet says no :-P

  • Bro Fat, I took the EMT986 back home 2 weeks ago but can only hook it up last night due to my current 'biased focus' on LP. It is indeed an instrument more than just another CE - consumer electronics, very professional / studio type of equipment with no fansy looking remote, no heavy aluminium chasis with wooden panel etc. After taking a cursory read on the manual, I started to play CDs from it and connect it up with my Zanden DAC (pending for the arrival of the Vekian like you do)...Whilst there are still gaps between 986 and my house Zanden combo, I would say, at this price, absolutely no complaint. Holstic tonal picture with balanced and linear frequency response not emphasising / de-emphasising on any particular range of frequency. Soundstage wide and high but perhaps not as deep. It is certainly a 'big picture' type of player and when it is connected to the Zanden DAC, the kind of refinement, harmonic structure, micro-dynamics, transparency comes back to play. I can imagine with it running on the Vekian, I will get the best of both on macro and micro attributes.

    I know you have been on Zero+One, can you share more between 986 and your previous CD combo? I am using the Reference (wooden) feet underneath the 986 as I think its chasis is relatively more prone to vibrations. Appreciate your views as well.

  • Marvel大大, 我就好happy部CD機, 極之超值, 熱切期待"屈基亞"的來臨!
  • I want ask a question: Can the EMT 986 plays the HDtrack formats such as FLAC or other 24bits/192kHz files.
    Very appreciate....
  • Luca, it can't play those files
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