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SInging in Unison



  • The Unison Luxury Edition
  • I set up the Unison last night. The sound is lovely, calm, and very fine. The beautiful tonality on strings of the Unison via the Zanden phono melts down my wife too. I am not interested to know the difference with luxury edition or non-luxury edition. The musical experience to me is already luxury enough last night.

    Alert me when the Ultimate Reference Cartridge from DV arrive.
  • Puyi, are you using the new Zanden phono now?
  • No. I believe another, inmate, Voy got it. I am happy with my Zanden phono, no intention to change. My emotion is now held hostage by the musicality of DV. I will save bullets for the new cartridge.
  • Mr.DV came last night as he was very eager to know Peter's latest creation. But eventually we spent 1.5 hours tweaking the speaker position. Just like Jlam, he is not contended with the energy imbalance of my system (left hand side overdamped by the curtain, right hand side resonates with the corridor. Without solving this problem, they can't listen and can't comment anything. After finishing speaker re-positioning via Karayan's interpretation of Beethoven Symphony No. 6 Pastoral, we proceeded adjusting cartridge weight a few rounds based on his recording. It was only until 9pm he can sit down and listen for 30 mins of quality music (he came at 630pm)

    The conclusion last night after all the tweaks shows a very transparent tone of the Berlin Phiharmonic under the baton of Karayan which is consistent with the documentary of this conductor.

    But Mr.DV prefers Zanden 300b push pull to better match with Alpha One. I will swap back the amp tonight.

    Thank you for your help on the speaker positioning. Without your help, I will not do it myself unless time permits. Come again when I swap wavac back to zanden. Like Puyi, I listened until 1:00a.m. this morning, very involving.
  • Hope not made your sound worst! I like move the speaker with some other, it is a boring job.

    Puyi, Enjoy the music. I like the Grandezza cartridge & arm. it sound very nice even reading the "mono" record, it end up my idea to ve 2nd arm. Simple is the best! But these DV new cartridge is different, i m in saving too.
  • Marvel bro, what's up? Wanna try my latest Zanden phono? Do you have any problem firing air bullet? The other dude is asking skills to share but no response from yours truly.
  • The bergman is very simple. There is really not too much to share.
  • Voy,
    Certainly Zanden's new phono and preamp are something I am longing to hear. At this moment, I think I need to focus on what's on hand, like the Tidal, Syren and Bergmann, they are forming very interesting combinations and I am starting to have a better handle on the Bergmann now. Besides the levelling, air flow between the tonearm and platter, I also making use the rubber band on the tone arm to make sure the cartridge is landing properly on the vinyl, sometimes if the rubber band is in the wrong position, the cartirdge cannot even touch on the vinyl....

  • I never really see PT would listen to other's opinion on audio except you - Mr.DV. Yes, you are god damn right after matching the Alpha One with Zanden 300B push pull mk2 (custom made to match with the Alpha One). But that is still not good enough to put everything together. PT decided to use Music First "Reference" passive preamp to achieve this goal. His father is finally happy. I am happy too.
  • Ptsang, I dare say this pair of 300B push pull will challenge yours on all attributes "assuming" the speakers are Cessaro Alpha One.
  • And we can't achieve anything without the "deep blue". The conclusion would be entirely different without it.
  • Passive preamp with a PP300B driving the Alpha 1, are you joking? I know what a PP300B can do, including the WE86, if such a config uration can comfortably drive the Alpha 1 with sufficient body and weight, and reasonable dynamics, then I'm totally lost.
  • Ptsang, you WILL be lost.
  • How is the bet now?
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