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JLam’s Charity Act at AE SW: Donations to Food Angel 惜食堂 2021



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    張國榮的共同渡過令大家非常非常之感動。好多謝AE出心出力出錢,為大家帶來正能量。This is a very high class act. 
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    edited July 2020
    I was invited by J Lam to join the event and It was a once-of-a-lifetime experience. 

    Combining top level high fidelity, legendary canton pop, and meaningful charitable purpose, J Lam is doing something inspirational to the community with Audio Exotic. 

    The song that amazed me the most during the show was 陳百強 一生何求. Given my limited knowledge about top level high fidelity, feeling is the best I can comment about. From the show I was touched by the truly “real” “original” voice recording of Danny Chan presented. Born in early 90s, I grew up in the era of CD, MP3, streaming and youtube. I definitely listened to the song 一生何求 many times given that it is a very classic canton pop. However, when I listened to this song with the hi-fi setup at Audio Exotic, I felt like I have never truly listened to “陳百強 一生何求” in my life. I can feel all the details of the recording, also I can appreciate how touching Danny’s voice was. It was an incredible experience.

    It is a charitable music show that I have no reason not to join again. I look forward to visiting Audio Exotic to taste the peace again when I sit in front of the setup, close my eyes, clear my head and let only the music to dance. 
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    Thank you guys !  I got a whole group of good heart young people.  
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    在9月5日的晚上,在JLam 的邀請下,首次到訪上環御品音響show room。雖然本來對音響沒太大的研究,但就比較偏好聽音樂,所以對於可一邊聽音樂又可以做善事來說,當晚簡直就是滿足和享受。

    JLam 幽默又具靈魂的演說下,帶我們回到七八十年代的音域同世界當中。而當中令我最深刻的歌曲,是陳百強先生的『一生何求 』。我作為現代嘅年輕人, 對於最近的香港社會現狀有很多不同的感受, 聽著歌詞與音韻,令我不禁反思,世界有很多事我們都不能夠控制的,到一生的盡頭回望都需要釋然,只能盡力去做,守著信念,只要不後悔就好。

    另外,在配合著高質素的音響設備下, 令我就像置身其中一樣,像陳百強先生在我面前唱歌一樣。歌中的唏噓就活生生的呈現在我的面前。 我聽完一首又一首歌曲後,我不禁讚歎音樂與音響配合的威力。

    而最後,再一次感謝JLam 當晚的款待,是前所未有過的音樂享受,好的音樂可以感染人心,而好的音響配合下,更可以觸動心靈,錦上添花。 感謝JLam,感謝御品音響。

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    問世間又有幾多人可以同時享受聽覺同視覺效果呢……感謝ncw小姐到來支持Audio Exotics.  
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    edited September 2020

    在好友 JLam 介紹下聽了不同年代的歌手歌曲,位位都是天王巨星,從他們歌曲裏浮現出自己內心故事,細數從前。所謂對音樂旋律和節奏,能夠感應它要表達的情感,而產生共鳴,就是廣東歌。


    再次感謝 JLam 給我機會讓我更認識音樂,認識自己。既能欣賞音樂,又能做慈善,實在大快人心。謝謝。
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