Ten, Kay Ten, double-0 Seven
Hello Folks. I have envied your website for some time, the marvelous cacophonous systems in the build and your constant thoughts on just about everything. Congratulations on many of the systems that I have watched for some time. I just wanted to let you know my K-10 arrived today, no. 007 as per my glib title joke ("Bond, James Bond, double-0 7"); and I am over the moon with the outcome. I also just wanted to let you know as I seem to have spent a great deal of time perusing your forums so I thought I had better add a little instead. My name is Dave, I am a friend of Rob's and have been a fan of Rob's work for a long time having met him while he still worked at Kondo. I am the proud owner of the K-70 no. 001; which is undergoing the "Mk.II" upgrade in Tokyo. No. 1 is a little different cosmetically as the metal work was done by a different foundry before Rob settled on the final facings. I promised him when I heard his prototype on his living room floor one evening, in Tokyo in 2007, that if he ever built it I would by the first one. And I did. Actually, I offered to buy that prototype right there and then but he was cruel enough to refuse. Enjoy the few first shots I have made. I cannot tell you much more about the rest of the system right now as I seem to undergo constant turmoil and the K-10 will need to remain without adequate voice for a little while longer. Dave.