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Cessaro Active Bass Module Arrived

With the great help from my friend, the Cessaro Active Bass Module and Vekian finally arrived, disregard the tightened control on customs due to 60th National Anniversary in China.


  • I originally planned to take half day off to wait for the arrival but could not make it. I left my wife to handle it. I took it not so serious when my wife told me my friend and 3 strong man came to unpack and put them in place.
  • I was shocked when I first saw them due to its size and weight. I thought I can put them in position, try connecting them and play around before Ralph come over for installation. After I removed the plastic wrap and attempt to move it a bit, I decided to better wait until Ralph, PT and JLam come in early Oct.
  • The good thing is at least I have the Vekian to play around...Looking forward to the holiday party!
  • Completion of the lower frequency is important, very very important. You will hear much more across the frequency band. Integration requires skill. The German gentleman must do the job well.
  • Shanghai dude, you must be very horny now. As a hardcore Horning fans, I do understand the importance of the bass foundation on the influence of other frequency responses. Knowing you had once owned the Eufrodite, how can you stand the missing bass frequencies from these "macho" horny speakers?
  • 上海大舊哥,

    你套系统已演變成4-way號角系统, 你兩對有源超低音好似係16吋, 仲要每邊兩隻, 唔見了的低音會返翻來, 嘩! 勁! 我都係Horning Eufro用家, 好明白低頻完整的重要性.

    這又跟Beta 0.5的組合結構有什麼不同? Beta 0.5每邊只有一隻16"低音做subwoofer, 但你反而每邊有一對. 中低單元是一樣, 超高也是一樣, 只有中音單元有級數和靈敏度的區別.

  • Impressive 4-way system. It's time to fix the amp. You probably need another Kyoto or Kamamura to feed your power hungry subwoofers.
  • You all are right on the lower frequency and I miss it after changing to Cessaro. Otherwise, I would not go for this transformation. A brief recap of the spec.

    - The amps are the same class for beta.
    - They have active crossover including volume control, phase 0-180° and crossover point adjustment.
    - Its a class A amp (1200W transformer inside per channel) not a D-Class.
    The sub goes down up to 24Hz.

    On that basis, I am wondering if Skyline would be a better match compare with Takumi.... I am looking forward to advice from Ralph and other fellows in this forum.

  • If you have an active solution for the mono subwoofers, you can just use any fine tube amp to drive anything on top. This is an obvious solution. I had not listened to the skyline before. But 50watt Class A power in push pull configuration should be more than adequate to drive the tweeter/mid-range (both horn loaded)and a 12" lower mid bass with tremendous ease. I will not choose any single end 300B due to the presence of the 12".

    Your system should have lots of direction for development. You should have at least two pairs of amp for such Big horn system.

    I highly recommend you to do the following:

    1. Plug the subwoofer to another Kyoto or Kamamura

    2. Connect two more ground wires to both the left and right channel of the subwoofer amplifiers.

    You clearly has chosen to invest in the bass. Point (1) and (2) will clean up the bass even more with very fine details down to 24hz provided you room has enough physical length for it to develop fully. My experience is subwoofer is extremely sensitive to income AC noises and ground noises due to the current draw and the magnetic noises originated from the huge transformers.
  • Raymond, many thanks for your advice. It seems I have opened a can of worms, before I can get the best out of my system. BTW, do you anticipate any downside if I use the Takumi?
  • No. Assuming you are looking for an music experience (not a power experience; not a space experience etc; not an imaging experience; not tubey warmth experience), this amp simply breaks all ground.
  • Bigpiece what is your struggle now? Choice of amp? What are the candidates?
  • An enjoyable experience in the past 1.5 days. The active bass module for my Affascinate SE fanally setup with the help from Ralph and PT.
  • The installation went surprisingly smooth, except for some cabling and relocation work, most of the time was spent on integration by Ralph. Though I am lucky to have a more spacious listening room, the lesson learn is to better make more buffer for the interconnects.
  • Basically PT and I just listened while Ralph did all of the finetuning of phase, volume and cross over point. The integration is seamless, I dont feel the existence of the sub but the overall soundstage is more complete. Full range details just flow naturally. Apart from the expected dynamics of some explosive classics, jazz, I find more fun in visualising the chest movement of the vocals. In addition, the whole soundstage become much more fuller and complete, 3 dimensionally.

    Ralph mentioned a couple of times that I am lucky because of the room doesnt require finetuning, which I cant agree more. One more interesting thing is that, the problem of the cabinet at the back seems disappeared. Though PT and I could not figure out why, something I dont need to bother and I can focus on understanding and learning more about the various parameters.

    Thank you Ralph and PT for their professional service, and of course JLam to facilitate this project come to fruition.

    WChow, you are right, its time to fix the amp, I know what I need now.

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