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David vs. Goliath - 巨人歌利亞之死



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    If the impact can behead the goliath, the Preos will cut the heart of goliath into bits and pieces. Maybe, this is easier for clean up. In Taipei, we always compare all the top stuff in the world with a group of people, some are musicians, some from the academic, and the remaining audiophile. Marvel bro knew this for years. The Preos is always at the top 2 position, the only serious challenges or tie up is a whole suite of Da Vinci.
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    Thanks for all the heartfelt inputs from dear comrades. The Tidal suite will be my 1Q2009 project. For now, I just have to care for the headless Goliath and be oblivious to the reality bites.

    That being said, the future remains hopeful with the companionship of Da Vinci and Zanden guilding me through the turmoil out on the street.

    Marvel, do come over on Sat with your son. The rubber is always ready.

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    No "right" music for 6 months is painful because it is an absolute. To save you from the cruel reality, I'll let my impact stay with you longer until I need it back. Given my own passion on Tidal, may I ask you to open the Tidal door to other AE fellows as long as permitted by your time?

    By 1Q09, you should change the speaker to Contriva Diacera, not just the preos and impact.

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    Thanks and my door is always open.

    As for Contriva Diacera, I could barely swim and now you suggest I should scuba dive?

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    Do you know what kind of impact had your system striked PT last Sat? He is considering Sunray if the EUR is lower. In the right context, your system I believe is far from his Cessaro/Zanden system. But he is a guy with very sharp instinct. He was impressed by your setup last week. Don't forget this group is dominated by tube guys including himself.
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    Don't count on the "wrong" sound to navigate you through the turmoil. It never works. I rather pray.

    Raymond, you are a nice dude.
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    Are you looking for a suite something like this pic?
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    I believe he is EXCEPT the turntable.
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    力兄台, 如我所料, 你真的已被無色無味的毒氣所困, 更令你殘忍的把核特士個頭也斬了出來, 此圖震驚中外. 在北歐網頁也有你此圖及文章. 幸好有雷蒙兄借機救救你, 否則我擔心你會大開殺界, 到時血流成河. 希望你能早日得道, 減少死傷. Marvel大大可能本週末會令你瘋狂....
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    菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台,本來無一物,何處惹塵埃 -


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    Alecy, did the Preos cut yours into pieces over the weekend?
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    I didn't have the chance to pair the Impact with the Preos over the weekend. The verdict that Tidal is an entirely different ball game still stands and there is no need to rub salt over the beheaded beast.


    I have asked PT to pick up your Impact. Between now and the Tidal matrimony, I just have to eat Halal.

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    Sorry guys, we were both playing hide and seek last 2 days and pairing of Preos and Impact did not happen....

    Alecy, no hurry, will catch up with you sometimes when your own set is ready....enjoy....

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    Before PT picks up the Impact, you are welcomed to bring along the Preos for the comparison. I just don't want to keep holding onto the Impact on Raymond's generosity which only makes me more frustrated about my current system.

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