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  • 小horning今天終於送到寒舍,興奮心情難以形容。
  • 據代理稱這對是印度蘋果樹木皮,靚嗎?
  • 仍未開聲,只係望住都開心,希望大家可以多d交流指導!
  • Welcome to the world of Horning! Where is your amplifier?
  • Use天鵝amp la!

    Ask Piano Tuner to treat your room. You will be very happy!
  • Matthew,

    Welcome on board! I don't read Chinese. You have chosen a great speaker. Do you know Charles? PT said he is the Horning "expert".

    The Eufrodite served me for 2.5 years with endless touching moments. I hope they can deliver the Ultimate Horning Algame before xmas. The latest spec gets me real horny. 6 feet tall, 2 feet wide, 2 feet deep. This is a big speaker! 8 pair of push pull woofers on both sides treated by "isopunk", the same resonance control material for the Eufro mid range. The new mid-range lowther sigma DX driver houses a huge magnet behind to warrant more dynamic and energy. I know some serious guys in Sweden, Australia already ordered a pair without listening.

    Happy listening!
  • 發哥,

    之前使用原子粒amplifier,但當決定轉用horning後,已將整套器材售出。不過,小弟財才有限,現準備暫用一部cheap cheap胆合併玩住先。


  • Voy R,

    I 'm not known Charles but I known he is the Horning "expert". I hope to sharing with your're in the future.

    I known the size of Ultimate Horning Algame is very big but I think Aristoteles is enough to me.

    likes sharing with you.
  • Matthew,

    I recommend this 天鵝amp. They are very good, not expensive.
    小horning靚聲 need to use good preamp and amp.
  • Matt,
    Can you tell me what kind of footers that come with the little Hornings.
  • Matthew,

    有乜計劃去玩好對小 horning?

  • matthew兄, 家中部PC打唔到中文, 講得唔夠高興. 查兄係Horning專家, 眾所周知, 佢玩Eufro應該已是出神入化的階段, 雖然我未聽過, 但我信PT.

    小康寧絕不能小觀, 因為PT曾肯定對我說過在天鵝盤及其前後級推小Horning還比Marvel大大當時錯配的系统(高damping factor的德國巨型坦克車推高効率食沙佬)還要好.

  • Bro Fat,

    You are right, the damping factor of my previous amps was too high and even when I was temporarily using the Eufrodite with them, I didn't feel anything resembling with what I heard the same speaker singing in PT's system. Now, I believe my gears are more or less matching well with each other, the outstanding things are tuning on room acoustics and refinement on the LP setup.

    I was told my SRA for the Bergmann turntable has arrived today...won't be too long for me to set it up on the SRA with a final touch up on the levelling, airpumping etc. Bro Fat, you are welcome to come and listen.

  • ptsang

    I just use a small original plastic dot to support my litter horning, any suggest ???
  • Charles,


    不過而家用緊一部合併旦機煲緊對 "康寧",感覺良好,但低頻好似過多,唔知點攪,已經着小着小移位,但腰骨痛都攪唔掂,救命!!!!
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