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Grey兄, 你問房已经搞掂?

聽聞PT昨晚已经出手搞你問房, 請問効果如何? 幾時輪到我?


  • I m really like to know too....
  • 昨晚PT到訪,聽了一陣,話833不應這樣無力,二話不說立刻加一個銀在天花的燈槽內,感覺到高頻鬆容不少,再加一個銀在右牆角之下,把聲音從角落中解放出來.
  • Haha! i like this word: "牛肉粒".

    Didn't we put silver on there already? Any treatment on Big window?
  • Grey兄, 是不是現在你可以開到大聲? 我相信你前後牆各一Platinum幫助不少. 還有什麼要搞? 點解條路還是很長?
  • CCN兄,个露台玻璃門要試下加啲牛肉粒分散下啲撞聲.現已加咗一粒diffuser
    發哥,真係好大聲下,PR-t1開到11点位置. “The Phantom of the Opera”第一段低音管風琴的段落, DSo兄星期日來聽同一段的時候,本來無影,房間整理後, 竟又出現翻,都幾神奇!
  • If put 1 or 2 more resonator at celling(燈槽) will help?
  • Mr.DV, I will try 1 more silver resonator(total 2) on the celling close to my dinner area, thank a lot for your advice.
  • i m not sure that work or worst.....
  • Studiogrey, this is for you.
  • I need a woman too. What exactly is this?
  • Voy R,

    Salome dancing the 7 veils. This could be lethal!

  • I am not a fan of Oscar Wilde. I don't care how was John killed either.
  • Alecy, I feel much more comfortable with these guys than Salome.
  • A saxphone dude
  • PT, is this the secret room acoustic tuning that you mentioned to me some time ago? Do I need one of these? Where should I put it? It's just been a few weeks since I went on vacation, another DAC called Vekian, the Black & Silver coloured Unison and this special tuning wow...I need to go back and print more dollar notes...excuse me...
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