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Dso, your SMR SE 1.5M RCA should arrive today



  • Bigpiece, thank you for your "swift" order of SMR SE RCA 1.5M.
  • 昨晚唸唸下, 費事浪費upgrade的錢, 我都跟大家訂了對SMR由O1SE去天鵝前級. 查兄,你估我會講粗口嗎?

    Marvel大大, 鬼唔知EE勁咩, 不過我冇你個又肥又深的銀包呢!但你對amp不原全配合"食沙佬"號角, EE都不能改變事實, 反而有點可惜, 你對805mk2幾時到?EE真正風采要到時才能盡顯.
  • 發哥

    我估當你插咗 SMR SE 就會講.

  • J, go fetch me a pair.
  • 都好耐没讲粗口.....好期待!
  • 查兄, 除了講粗口外, 你有冇其他非常行為, 例如"拍抵"換線過程等, 然後sent比"朋友"?
  • Fat gor,

    Agree with you that matching between the amp and speaker is even more critical than matching between the preamp and power amp. This occurred to me when I tried matching Baldur with Eufrodite a few months back. The result was not as encouraging as compared to Eufrodite singing in PT's place pairing with other amps like Zanden, Wavac and Horning...

    My next move would most probably be 805Mk2 but I need to 'process' one thing at a time. The Tidal phono pre is coming close so I need to make room (ie $$) for it. In the meantime, I am happily using PT's EC300B rejecting his calls for having it back....ha ha ha....

  • Marvel大大, 我好期待你對黃金俠V805雙引擎來臨, 唔知跟大哥大Grey兄部833v1.3揪成點? 自從Grey兄部833v1.3曝光後得到草哥認同, 好多膽友都議論紛紛Wavac究竟咩料, 尤其是833和805, 我本人就對805v2充滿憧境.
  • 發哥,我呢排玩tube matching,對833的推動蛋改用GEC的side getter,取代reissues gold lion KT88,比較過early GEC top getter(brown base)同 tong sol 6550黑屏,GEC side getter會係最配合.
    另外現有一對50’s RCA 833,會試睇同現用對80’s有咩分別.
    可能有對437A, early D ring 遲啲會到,睇下呢對可以用作output 5W的蛋,用在input stage有咩改善.
    PR-T1方面,始終都要留一對金龍作input, output 現用ECC valvo 82.
    LCR-X2方面,都一樣留Sotek 6922作input, output用Siemens E82CC,試過用E182CC 又再好啲.早幾日再入多對 Siemens CCA,未試但好大期望
  • output用Siemens E82CC,試過用E182CC 又再好啲, Typo,sorry!

    should be Siemens E88CC & E188CC
  • I have heard the performance of 805 driving Avalon in DSo's place so I am very confident that it would mate well with a wide range of speakers including my horn speakers. Studiogrey's 833 is obviously beyond my reach la....I guess he is stocking this to prepare for running a bigger pair of speakers....stay tuned...

  • Marvel Bro, I bought a pair of antique bookshelf speaker.
    The estimate setting is EMT930 > audiospace reference3.1 300B > antique speaker will singing on my father home.
    My home setup may stay for a while...
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