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Dso, your SMR SE 1.5M RCA should arrive today

This is version with the latest bocchino RCA connector. They sound gorgeous. Remember to poison Charles for us.


  • Noted with thanks, but how about the two silver resonators?
  • Danny,

    Any new thought on upgrading the power amp and / or speaker? How do you find the new SMR SE interconnect in your system?

    As it stands, I am very likely go for the 805Mk2 so if you are going for the Cessaro, we shall be very alike. I won't go for Wavac preamp as I believe Tidal would match well with 805. May be what we can do is when my Tidal arrives, I bring it to your place to have a AB

  • Danny, Charles,

    Thank you for your trust in SMR SE (new bocchino RCA connector type). As far as I know, Danny was so shocked by the performance and called PT right away commenting it was unusal for him to make judgment so soon without proper run-in. The SMR SE is the exception. The SMR virus soon spread to Charles via SMS from PT.

    After 4 years since its introduction that made me"speechless" during one fine day of Xmas in 2003, this cable still stays in numerous system from day one till now (of course, counting upgrade but still nonetheless a SMR as always). It is proven the cable can withstand the toughest tests of all - TIME.

  • PT/Jlam,

    Before I try to poison Charles, me myself already got poisoned. I only expect SMR can bring a cleaner and fuller sound between each musical note, but it's much far more than that. For SR users, if you feel replacing Flow by OR shock you, try one SMR then you know what is a real earthquake. I will share more after the run-in period.
  • I am poisoned as well although I am running some spare interconnects at the moment....can existing SMR SE user upgrade to this new terminators???

  • 呢條絕對係經典啦!老實說當年我沉迷味精線所花的錢可能夠買對Marvel大大的號角喇叭, 現在想起十分後悔. 發燒友常說的味道總是離不開過份厚潤的中音, 有一些又特別喜歡高音燎亮的線, 不平行的系統總會找到個性強烈的線來填不平行的頻段, 反而一對音色平行但冇乜個性的線是較難取悅聽者, 你地用得SMR而又覺得好掂反映你地系統的平行度已很高

    查兄, 你對新版SMR用在那裡?
  • 發哥

    我用在dac 去 pre 呀
  • Charles,

    R u a/b testing the rca? report ha la.

  • 剛才和PT通電, 聽聞條線為你系統帶來的驚喜要用非常語詞來形容!PT話從未聽你如此激動過, 你和丹尼兄都先後仲毒, 我的身開始痕了
  • c.c.n

    a/b testing is superfluous.


    係, 我講咗好多粗口.

  • Didn't u said you got a lot improvement by upgrade to SR RCA last year, and now you got another "wow" improve by this SMR SE RCA ???


  • c.c.n

    SMR SE RCA = "wow" "wow" "wow"
  • PT/ Jlam

    本來以為 one se 已經到了極限, 但換上 SMR SE 後, 原來它的能力一直彼線埋藏. 我唔知用 EE 會係點.
    我以前都聽過舊款的 SMR, 但新的肯定好幾班.
    我試 SMR SE 之前已經有心理準備因為 Danny 已通知我話條線好堅.
    但我都不得不服, 在未 run-in 的情況下已經另我很興奮.

  • Charles,

    You did experience the difference between SMR EE digital and SMR SE. In terms of energy conservation, I believe SMR EE can 'sustain' more energy from one end to another thus giving a more even energy balance across the frequency spectrum and time propagation.

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