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AudioValve : Conductor preamp finally arrived!!

Conductor finaliy delivered forming immediately a tightly coupled bond with Baldur power amp. First 2 hours of listening: unconstrained and uncompressed flow of music with colourful tonality. Musical objects are having strong 3-d feel with their own space and rhythm. Yet, everything is forming part of the integral part of the tonal picture. The whole is geater than the sum of all parts!

I took the advice from a friend in Taiwan who is the first owner of Conductor to use balanced XLR interconnect between the preamp and power amp, I also use FMR power on the Conductor as my friend has already tried other power cords and recommends FMR. I readily take his advice to avoid wasting time and loop around.



  • Both the main unit and power supply are very heavy!!
  • Sorry, duplicate photo
  • Conductor on the Craz rack and in action!
  • Gooooooood!
    So, 2007 upgrade project is finish?
    Why don't turn on the LCD screen on the Conductor?
  • Marvel,

    Are you listening with Heritage? If not, please do so. You will be shocked by the dynamic.

  • Marvel,

    I agree with Jeff very much on the subject. Allow at least 2 weeks for the Conductor to develop into full bloom. I heard comparison side by side Zero/Heritage and Zanden 2000p/5000s with the Conductor/Baldur. The Orpheus/Conductor/Baldur route takes you to the ultimate dynamic experience, if your speakers can handle it.

  • Just add a little bit more. Even the Zanden sounds very dynamic with RCA input going into the Conductor. Tonally, the Zanden matches the Conductor better to my ears. With the Orpheus, you do need to reposition the speakers as energy spurring out is huge. You need those resonators for further treatment.

    How do you compare Tron Syren with the Conductor? It is pity that you haven't listened to a full Tron suite.

  • The german finally reunions. Does the conductor sing? What's PT's initial impression on it?

  • Marvel bro, what happens to the syren?
  • Dear pals,

    Thanks for the overwhelming inquiries. Yes, this is the final piece in 2007 (on gears).

    Hung, thanks for your advice and you have spotted on...Zanden on RCA sounds very very dynamical when PT listened to his favourite Terfel tenor CD. The 'wow' kind of feeling from the Zanden combo has long disappeared since I start my LP journey but it came back again last night. I will try using Heritage tonight but poor Marvel is now running short of Balanced cable as I have swapped a pair of SMR EE XLR from Heritage to use it between Conductor and Baldur. Again, my friend from Taiwan has advised me to use Balanced interconnect between the pre and power. I think it adds up on the overall performance on soundstaging and dynamics. The Conductor is a true balanced design and I think I am leveraging the most out of it.

    Compared with Tron Syren, here the caveat is still the lacking of the matching power amp for Syren so it is a bit unfair on my comments below. Conductor can give more weight and carries a bit more thrust as an aftermath when dispersing bass energy while Syren would appear clean and fast (not the kind of Xoldmxxd character in fast chopping off the tail though). Applicable to both Tron and AudioValve, I respect all the designers of these ultra hi-end gears are having the purest intention to build a perfect component in its outright. At the same time, their components are designed also as an integratable part with their other components in order to form a 'system'. The synergical effect or mutually compensating effect cannot be undermined. Voy has previously commented that without the 211, Syren is just a lonely bat. Likewise, with the Conductor, my Baldur power amps seem to be even more giantic handling all the 'pushing and pulling' at much ease. No doubt, the bottleneck on speaker becomes more apparent which is a bit unfortunate at this moment in time.


  • 好似好大陣丈,究竟咩料?
  • Voy,

    In my honest opinion, Marvel's CD system is better than the LP now after the addition of the Conductor. It does sing! The duet of Anna and Byrn touched my heart.

  • CD better than LP? Why?

    Marvel, can you shoot better quality picture of the Conductor?
  • Julian,

    I will wait for weekend to take some photos with my DSLR camera....I will need a few days before I can agree or disagree with PT's comment on relative performance of the CD and LP in my system. So far, my learning on LP setup has been very slow...I really hope to improve on such skills by experimenting more and get more expert views.

  • PT, can you elaborate more?
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